Search results: goddess

Honoring Ostara: Goddess of Spring Equinox 

Ostara, known as the Spring Equinox, is a holiday celebrated in late March (March 21st), dedicated to fertility and new growth; it takes its...

Beyond the Mask: Jung and the Dark Goddess

Uncover the intricate relationship between the personas we present to the world and the hidden parts of our psyche. Learn how embracing these darker...

The Mesmerizing Trio of Moon Goddesses

Have you ever gazed at the moon and felt a mysterious connection to something greater? You're not alone! Throughout history, civilizations have looked to...

Awaken Inner Goddess: A Zodiac Guide

Imagine a world where you don't just navigate through life—you dance through it, evoking the divine energy of goddesses who've ruled myths and legends....

The Egyptian Goddess of Magic: Isis & Her Divine Abilities

Today, we shall delve into the world of mythology and explore the fascinating story of the goddess Isis. She is one of the most...

The Divine Darkness: Kali Mata The Goddess of Time and Liberation

In the vast tapestry of Hinduism, Kali Mata, the Hindu goddess of time, change, and liberation, stands out as a fiercely enigmatic figure. Known...

Embracing the Shadows: A Journey into the Lore of the Dark Goddesses

Welcome, seekers of the shadow, to a journey into the mysterious realm of the dark goddesses. These powerful deities, often misunderstood or feared, personify...

The Real Witches of History: Figures from Witchcraft

Get ready to stir the cauldron and cast some spells as we delve into the mysterious and fascinating world of real witches in history....

Timeless Beauty: A Look at Ancient Beauty Practices

Greetings, timeless beauties of the modern age! Are you ready to uncover the beauty secrets of the ancients? Today, we're stepping into a time...

Beltane Festival: Honoring the Sacred Cycles of Nature

Belatane or Beltane is one of the four major pagan festivals celebrated by Wiccans and other practitioners of the Craft. Beltane festival marks the...

Secrets of Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Signs In Astrology

Astrology offers a fascinating lens through which to view ourselves and the world around us. One of its foundational elements is the classification of...

The Scented Clouds of Wellness: Yoni Steaming

Imagine the moonlight dancing on a cauldron of fragrant herbs, as you prepare to honor not just your body, but your eternal feminine essence....

Julie d’Aubigny: A Bold Life

Enter Julie d'Aubigny, a figure so audacious she seems conjured from a fantasy novel. A prodigious swordswoman, an enchanting opera singer, a scandalous heartbreaker,...

Wiccan Wheel of Year: A Beginner’s Guide

The Wheel of Year is a fundamental aspect of Wicca, a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It is a cyclical representation of the changing seasons,...

The Dance Of the Sun and the Moon: Eternal Relationship

From the dawn of time, humans have looked up to the sky, seeking meaning and stories in the vast expanse above. Among the celestial...

The Lunar Eclipse: When the Moon Goes Dark

Today, an eclipse is occurring. This eclipse, which can be seen from a large part of Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the west of...