Some women envision themselves alone in their dreams, completely solitary.
As time passes, you might realize that, in adolescence, just beginning your journey in life, your dreams of the future featured only you. You picture yourself venturing into a vast forest alone, or sometimes, closing your eyes, you see yourself living in a cozy house with a bunch of cats. Or perhaps you imagine yourself on a cargo ship, standing at the edge of the deck, wearing a pitch-black coat, smoking an unfiltered cigarette. In these serene moments of your future, you are always alone.
So what happens to these solitary dreams? Maybe they are forgotten or “corrected”. But women with a determined mind and heart never give up envisioning themselves on a solo adventure in their future dreams. Then life unfolds, and it might be decided that such dreams are not a good idea. Or years pass with the thought of “one day, for sure”. Society teaches women to forget their adventures. A solitary woman is made to believe she is weak, labeled as an incomprehensible creature.
Many people still fail to understand that there is nothing about women that is incomprehensible or to be feared. They just need to be understood. The number of women who recognize their inner strength is also not high because flowing with the river requires much greater strength.
Coventum invites you to jump into that river and flow with all its energy!
At Coventum, we believe in a river of feminine knowledge and intuition, waiting for us to leap in. This essence has been accumulating through generations, from our grandmothers and their grandmothers before them. We speak of the wisdom and power gathered by women who have shaped this world.
We belong to a gender that has been distanced from its power, made to forget our strength, and whose solidarity has been fractured by various falsehoods. We are so powerful that we can even evoke fear! Perhaps they were scared from the very beginning, which is why they tried to cripple us, called us witches, and burned us. Yet, every woman holds magic within her.
What was your dream? When was the image of that dream taken from you? Who extinguished the light of the magic of your feminine power, and when? To find and overcome the answers, it’s enough to learn to flow with the river. Coventum invites you to jump in and embrace its energy fully!
Emerging as a tribute to feminine energy, Coventum’s writings, drawings, ideas, and products aim to nurture and grow the magic within every woman, reminding her of who she truly is. We are on our way to becoming a marketplace where women who create with their inner energy can spread their radiance and reach the entire world with their products. You too can showcase what you’ve created on the Coventum marketplace and share your magic with the world. And perhaps our coven will be a step for you to realize your dream.
If you’re ready, let’s jump in!
Who Are We?
We met in a male-dominated workplace, recognizing each other with a single glance. Both philosophy graduates, we believed in the power of thoughts. Loving a person can begin with loving their dreams. We cherished our dreams and decided to sprinkle a bit of magic into the first hour, and then into every dreamer’s life.
In this testosterone-filled environment, Coventum emerged as a tribute to the feminine energy born from our unity. We needed to nurture the woman within us so she could grow and flourish. Day by day, with our writings, drawings, ideas, and products, we nourished our souls. As our dreams took root, we envisioned a future where we would touch the souls of all women.
We believe that magic can be woven even while cooking in the kitchen. We love psychology as much as pagan traditional ceremonies. We recognize that both antibiotics and chamomile tea are gifts from nature. We see a fire lit on Halloween and a candle lit in a church as equally magical. We seek magic in the soul of nature, in a beautiful book, and in the stars above.
Magic is a brave resistance, an acceptance of being part of nature. For us, magic is the courage to present and transform oneself. It’s the skill to masterfully shape matter. Thus, we chose to view the world of the present through the eyes of mythology and to learn from the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors.
For now, we are just two women. Ready to be more.
Join Coventum now to nourish yourself and, in turn, the world. Sometimes, life just needs a little magical touch.