
Witches’ Familiar: Bee, Ladybug and Bunny

At the heart of witchcraft lies the concept of animal familiars. The special creatures share an intimate bond with witches and assist them in...

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune is a Tarot card that is traditionally associated with change, cycles, and the passage of time. It is a card...

The World Tarot Card: Meanings, Reversals, and Interpretations

The World tarot card is a major arcana card and represents completion, fulfillment, and achievement. It is the final card in the major arcana...

Gemini Rising Sign and Its Impact of on Your Personality

The ascendant, a.k.a the rising sign, is one of the most significant components of a person's astrological chart. It represents the zodiac sign that...

Self Love Kit: A Guide to Magic & Practices

February the month of love! Probably because it contains Valentine's Day in it. But as the last and the coldest month of winter, February...

Spring Has Sprung: How To Celebrate Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras, the magical time of year when the air is filled with the sweet scent of King Cake. Beads are tossed from balconies...

Cosmic Witch: A Begginers Guide

As the world of witchcraft continues to evolve, one trend that has taken the community by storm is the rise of the Cosmic Witch....

Chinese New Year of the Rabbit: A Look at Traditions and Celebrations

2023 is shaping to be one hopping good year because it's the Year of the Rabbit! But what exactly does that mean?  Well, according to...

5 Simple Ways to Fill Your Home With Winter Magic

Winter is the perfect time to get cozy and stay inside, but it can also be a time when we feel a little bit...

The Wolf Full Moon: Manifest Your Goals

During the year, all full moons have a name. The full moon in January is called the Wolf Moon, Old Moon, or Ice Moon....

Discover the 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese New Year is the most important annual celebration in Chinese culture. One of the 12 zodiac animals that appear in the Chinese...

Mulled Wine Recipe to Warm Up Your Winter

Mulled wine is indispensable on cold winter days, especially in snowy weather; it is an excellent accompaniment to reading a book or chatting with...

Wiccan Wheel of Year: A Beginner’s Guide

The Wheel of Year is a fundamental aspect of Wicca, a modern pagan, witchcraft religion. It is a cyclical representation of the changing seasons,...

The Wiccan Rede: A Code of Ethics for Modern Witches

The Wiccan Rede is a moral code that is central to the Wiccan religion. Understanding the Wiccan Rede The Wiccan Rede is a statement that encapsulates...