Search results: watchlist

A Very Twisted Valentine’s Day Watchlist with No Sweet Endings

As Valentine's Day approaches, it seems like every movie list is filled with fairy tale romances and happily-ever-after endings. But let's face it, not...

Spooky Season Watchlist: Best Halloween Movies 

We have brought together the best Halloween movies that you can watch during the Spooky season.

Best Christmas Movies To Make New Year Magical

Cold winter nights are the best time to curl up under the blanket with your hot drink and watch a movie. Especially when the...

Halloween Activities Faithful to Samhain Traditions

Halloween roots back to an ancient festival Samhain. If you want to celebrate a real pagan Halloween, here are the ancient Samhain traditions for you!

Autumnal Awakenings: Fall Vibe Movies

As the leaves turn golden and the nights grow longer, a mysterious chill fills the air. The veil between our world and the next...

Halloween 2022 Celebrity Edition

Here are the best celebrity Halloween costumes of 2022! Who is your favorite this year?