Halloween Activities Faithful to Samhain Traditions

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Although it is not known exactly when it was first celebrated, it is known that the origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic Festival known as Samhain. We have explained in detail in this article that Samhain, which started in October, is a harvest festival that marks the beginning of the winter season.

Change of the Fun Halloween Activities

In the first half of the 19th century, Samhain sets foot on the new continent and turns it into Halloween, thanks to the Irish who immigrated to America with their beliefs and traditions. Some of this transformation was necessary. For example, Jack O’Lantern, made from radish in Samhain, is being replaced by pumpkins that grow abundantly in the land of the new world.



Although the carved pumpkins are still called Jack O’Lantern, radishes weren’t the only thing that changed in the new version of Halloween. By the middle of the 20th century, Halloween things were mostly monopolized by children. Besides supernatural creatures, fairy-tale characters began to be reflected in children’s costumes. Today, Halloween has become a large-scale amusement where adults want to play their games.

Pagan Halloween Traditions

No one is afraid anymore of the dead returning to the world. Nobody is wearing a scary Halloween costume to hide from the spirits. Dressing up as superheroes or famous names is more popular. Few are interested in the ancient origins of the holiday, which commands to prepare for winter. However, if you want to celebrate this ancient tradition by staying true to its origins, you can give a chance to a few ancient rituals.

Take a Samhain Hike



Take a walk near your home where you can be close to nature. Observe and feel the smells, colors, and sounds around you. Explore your place in nature’s life cycle. If you find natural objects around you that you can take home and use as ornaments (cones, Samhain-colored leaves), you can take them with you as a decorative souvenir for this night.

Prepare A Halloween Altar

Pagan altars were famous. You can also prepare a Halloween altar that will emphasize the meaning and the magic of the day and will also look stylish in your home. Combine symbols of this time of year, such as skulls, skeletons, ghosts, witches, and carved pumpkins, to make a decorative Samhain altar that fits the true purpose of the holiday. Decorate your altar with objects you collect while Samhain hike. 

Set A Halloween Banquet



You can have the modern version of the banquets, the most important part of the original Samhain celebrations, with your family and loved ones. Create a menu with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Say goodbye to summer together and rehearse for a winter that you will embrace together. Do not forget to focus on Samhain colors when decorating your banquet table. Classic pumpkin carving ideas are perfect for this too.

Tell Stories and Honor the Spirits

Halloween doesn’t have to be about scary spirits. Talk about the spirits that are affecting you that night. Remember the names that left a mark on your life. Pay your respects to the dead with beautiful stories of their beautiful souls. Raise a toast to them!



Light a Bonfire

You may not be able to light a fire in front of your house. However, a small fireplace or a deep bowl will also work. Write down a feature of yourself that you don’t like or an idea you want to forget on paper. Imagine getting rid of your negative thoughts along with the burning paper. You can light your fire in the heart of the altar you have prepared.

Heed the Prophecies

In the earliest versions of Halloween, making prophecies out of minor omens was a favorite activity. After all, it’s the spooky season. Look for the traces of your prophecies. If you know how to read tarot, you can pick a card for yourself.

Have a Costume Party



You don’t want to be caught by the spirits walking among us on the night of October 31st. Don’t forget to disguise them so they don’t recognize you or think you’re on their side. And you have so many options! You can be anything you dream of on modern Halloween. Check out “Best Halloween Costumes Of All Time” to get inspiration!

Watch a Scary Halloween-Themed Movie

It’s been a long time since Halloween has lost much of its original purpose, namely its scariness, and turned into a pastime. You can also create your spooky entertainment by watching movies made especially for this day. For those who can’t decide what to watch, we have prepared a list of the best movies for Halloween. Check out “Spooky Season Watchlist: Best Halloween Movies”.



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