
Halloween Activities Faithful to Samhain Traditions

Halloween roots back to an ancient festival Samhain. If you want to celebrate a real pagan Halloween, here are the ancient Samhain traditions for you!

Halloween Origins & Traditions: The Real Story Behind

Although it is not known exactly when it was first celebrated, it is known that the origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient...

Samhain: One of the Greater Sabbats

October is here! Mother nature welcomes us to a new cycle and it had a lot to do with Halloween. At the beginning of...

A Guide for Celebrating Mabon: Mabon Blessings

The next pagan holiday is here! The Wiccan wheel of the year point to Mabon. But What is the meaning of Mabon and how to celebrate it?

Stay Protected: A Guide to Easy-To-Apply Protection Rituals

Protection is a fundamental part of any witch's practice. Warding off negative energy, banishing unwanted spirits, or shielding from harm all find solutions in...

Are You A Hearth Witch?

As the winds howl, the Hearth Witch is at her most powerful. With the warmth of the fireplace at her back or just the...

The 12 Names of the Full Moon

As witches, we often look to the cycles of the moon for guidance and inspiration. The full moon, in particular, holds a special place...

Wiccan Practices To Embrace Summer

Summer, with its long, balmy days and flourishing natural abundance, is an enchanting time to connect with the earth's magic. Wiccan practices this time...

Tiny Spell Jars: A Pocketful of Magic

Ever wished you could carry the universe's power in your back pocket? With mini spell jars, you can! Dive into the world of bottled...

The Venus Retrograde Survival Guide: 7 Days, 7 Ways

As Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, begins its retrograde journey, it's time to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our senses....

Lughnasadh: Celebrating the First Harvest

Lammas or Lughnasadh is a Wiccan festival celebrated on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southerners, these times remarks the Imbolc. But...

Summer Flame: How To Increase Fire Element In Body

Have you ever wondered why some people radiate warmth, energy, and passion? The secret lies in their elemental balance - specifically, the fire element....

Witchy Protection: Front Door Magic

Within the fascinating realm of witchcraft and mystical practices, protection magic holds a sacred place. It involves harnessing ancient rituals and techniques to shield...

Brewing Intentions: Tea Magic

A warm cup of tea can soothe the soul. We know that, right? But did you know it can also brew magic? Tea isn't...

The Power of Scent in Rituals

Scent magic is a powerful tool that witches and practitioners can use to enhance their spells and manifest their desires. The use of scent...

Honoring the Sun: How To Celebrate Litha

From crafting a sun-soaked altar to indulging in a feast of seasonal abundance, the blog offers a myriad of ways how to celebrate Litha...