Super Full Moon In Aquarius 2023 & Its Effect on Your Sign

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A super full moon occurs at 9 degrees of Aquarius on August 1. Full moons are times when everything is distinct and visible. We face endings, terminations, or conditions requiring decision-making. The ascendant of the full moon is Pisces, its main aspect is Jupiter square, indicating exaggerated situations. Price increases, excessive emotional reactions, increased needs, ideals, dreams/goals, the desire for a better life…

Aquarius represents societal issues, personal rights and freedoms, social media, non-governmental organizations, groups, and friendships; we will achieve results in these areas and be at a turning point. Protests and reactions continue around the world, and we may also see topics related to digital money and technology. Mass events natural disasters and weather events are also themes of this full moon. The impact of these themes will continue throughout August. Indeed, we will experience two full moons in August.

Major Turning Points Will Happen in August

Compelling conditions beyond our control may be exhausting, financially and spiritually. Venus squares Uranus again on August 9th, and Venus conjuncts the Sun on August 13th. These dates could be turning points in relationships and financial matters. The next new moon is in Leo on August 16th, squaring Uranus. It could trigger natural disasters and weather events; it’s good to know in advance.

Full Moon for Healing

We will want to rid ourselves of conditions that don’t make us feel good and restrict our freedom. Mental and physical health is important this month; we can maintain this by taking responsibility for our own lives. We will work hard and take responsibility for our lives. Venus retro suggests moving with considering the other side, reining in the ego, and acting openly and honestly like the Sun (Leo). Turning inward, healing ourselves, and listening to the other side is important.

Full Moon In Aquarius Affects On Zodiac Signs

In the full moon chart, Mercury in Virgo is going to conjunct Mars and oppose Saturn. Disputes and criticisms may increase, and accidents may increase. The Pisces-Virgo axis is related to physical and mental health. We need to show determination by giving up bad habits that reduce our quality of life. Be careful of communication and internet problems, obstacles, stolen data, and fraud.

The chart’s support is Mars in Virgo’s trine to Jupiter in Taurus. We will work hard and reap the benefits. We will focus on work during the summer months, and it won’t be too difficult. This aspect will particularly motivate Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn signs.

Aquarius Full Moon 2023 detailed horoscope interpretations below:


You may be successful in your business life. Mars in your work area triggers you to focus on work. Your daily routines may be intense, you could start sports. With Jupiter in your 2nd house, you can increase your earnings and may want to do a project using your talents and creativity. Be careful not to hurt those you work with. The full moon in the 11th house suggests that you may part ways with a friend or want to end a project that doesn’t satisfy you. Your social life may perk up in the next 15 days. While some Aries may experience beautiful developments in business life, some Aries may have children.


The full moon in your career and status area suggests that you could receive very important news. Issues related to work or marriage may be in question. (Venus retro- wait until October to sign anything related to marriage.) You may get a promotion, appointment, or raise. There may be an important agenda related to your manager or a problem related to your elders may emerge. Jupiter is in your sign, you are getting the rewards of your work with the Mars trine. Some Taurus can experience movement in their love life or can succeed in a matter where they are creative, or a matter related to their children. However, they can still have disputes and discussions in flirtations and matters related to children.


The full moon occurs in your ninth house, which speaks of travel, overseas-related issues, media, and legal matters. These issues may be on the agenda. You may travel or your visa application may result. You may experience some difficulties at home during this period, you may need to deal with your family, but you can handle it with Jupiter’s support. Focus on your inner world and spiritual balance, it will do you good.


The full moon occurring in your eighth house may mean facing some concerns you are worried about, tax, debt, and credit issues may come to the agenda. Some Cancers may have surgery. Since Venus is retrograde, it’s not suitable for cosmetic surgeries, but obligations related to health are exceptions. Your intuitions can be very strong, you can shed light on a hidden issue. You may seize opportunities to increase your earnings. You are already successful in the social field and on social media, but Mars is in your communication area. Be careful with your communication style, there can be problems in travel.


The full moon in your relationship house and Venus retro in your sign suggest that relationships are very much in focus. Terminations may occur in relationships, and you may be questioning your relationships a lot. As you are directly affected by the Venus retrograde, if you are having problems in relationships, you may need to change your behaviors. You may face confrontations, or if you are experiencing undeserved situations, you may declare your freedom. Old loves may return, take advantage of this opportunity to understand the problems. However, don’t force things that won’t work. You may be busy with work and career during this period, you may achieve success in your career, and increase your earnings. Pay attention to spending and debts.


The full moon in your sixth house suggests that you need to be careful about your health. In the Mercury-Saturn opposition, anxiety and obsessions may increase. You may suffer from intestinal and digestive problems. Some Virgos may be aware of this and start exercising, and quit bad habits. The Jupiter Mars trine suggests that if you struggle to heal, you will be successful. You can organize your daily routines and work. You can take initiative in terms of foreign matters, trade with foreigners, and travel. Saturn in your 7th house shows that you will be serious in relationships, facing some problems. If you are having problems in marriage and relationships, you may separate or go your own way.


The full moon in Aquarius occurring in your house of love, flirtation, and children could bring endings to your love life. You may have a child or find out you’re pregnant. You may need to deal with a matter concerning your child. Mars in the 12th house shows that you also need to eliminate bad habits and relationships. Your energy may be low, you may be struggling to get things done. You may see some people’s true colors. Focus on yourself and your inner world. You are in a cleansing period until October.


You may reach completion in matters of home and real estate. Moving or leaving home may be in question. You may need to deal with some family matters. There may be health problems in your spouse’s family. With the Mars Jupiter trine, you can have nice programs with your friends and have good times with your partner or spouse. You are receiving support from your environment during this period. There can be positive and lucky developments in plans. You can be successful in teamwork.


The full moon taking place in the field of siblings, close environment, cousins, short trips may lead you to take short trips, a topic may be in question among your neighbors and siblings. You can receive the result of an exam or education, and a matter about your car can be closed. Some health issues of elderly family members can happen. On the other hand, your career struggle would finalize successfully.


With the full moon in your earnings area, you can decide on financial matters and matters related to your skills. The money you’re waiting for may come, or you may catch an opportunity related to earnings. You are successful and lucky in media, education, and foreign matters. In these times it will be easy to pass exams successfully, and you get a visa or passport easily. Support from your distant relatives may come. Also, you could receive good news from your spouse’s siblings. Pay attention to spending and debts.


The full moon Aquarius is taking place in your sign, the focus point is you. Venus is in retro in your opposite sign. A very important issue for you may come to an end. You may experience an end in relationships. You may face confrontations about yourself or you may want to change yourself. Style change, and starting a regime may be in question. You may want to make revolutionary decisions in your life. However, if you experience a sudden ending in a relationship, avoid sudden decisions as there is a possibility of starting again on August 16th. You can own a house or real estate, you can move.


With the full moon in your 12th house, you can see the truths that are hidden from you. Pay attention to your spiritual and physical health. Be mindful of heart, circulation, blood pressure problems, and mental health issues. Be aware of people who talk behind your back or obstruct you, it would be appropriate to stay away from harmful personalities that are not good for you. You can start therapy or engage in spiritual matters, and meditation, which will be very beneficial. It is possible to receive support from siblings and cousins and your close environment. Maybe you’ll buy a car, short trips can be good for you. You will be successful in communication.

