12 Must-Have Witch Apps for Every Witches and Pagans

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Witchcraft has been around for centuries and has evolved over time, with many practitioners now turning to technology to help them in their craft. There are a variety of apps available that cater to witches, offering everything from spells and rituals to tracking moon phases and correspondences. Here are some of the most popular witch apps out there:

1. One of The Green Witch Apps: IPlant


This app is a virtual garden where you can identify and learn about a variety of plants. It’s a great tool for green witches or anyone interested in learning more about plants.

2. The Moon

As the name suggests, this app tracks the phases of the moon and provides information on the corresponding energies and activities that are best suited for each phase.

3. Dreamboard


This app allows you to create a digital vision board by selecting images and affirmations that represent your goals and desires. It’s a great tool for manifestation and visualization.

4.One of The Best Divination Witch Apps: Celeste

This app provides daily astrological forecasts and information on the positions of the planets. It’s a great resource for those interested in astrology and how it might influence their lives.

5. A Kitchen Witch App: Oil Guide


This app is a reference guide for essential oils, providing information on the properties and uses of different oils. It’s a great resource for green witches and anyone interested in natural remedies.

6. SkyView

This app allows you to identify stars, constellations, and other celestial objects by pointing your phone at the sky. It’s a great tool for skygazers and astrology

7. Rune Caster

This app is a digital version of a rune casting set, allowing you to draw runes and receive interpretations of their meanings. It’s a great tool for divination and insight.

8. One of The Coolest Tech Witch Apps: Wicca

This app is a comprehensive guide to the Wiccan faith, including information on beliefs, practices, and holidays. It’s a great resource for those interested in learning more about Wicca.

9. Herbs Guide

Similar to the Oil Guide app, this app provides information on the properties and uses of different herbs. It’s a great resource for green witches and anyone interested in natural remedies.

10. Star Chart


This app allows you to view the night sky in real-time and see the positions of celestial objects. It’s a great tool for skygazers and astrology enthusiasts.

11. Spell Caster

This app provides a variety of spells and rituals for a variety of purposes, including love, prosperity, and protection. It’s a great resource for those looking to enhance their spell-casting abilities.

12. The Best One of The Crystal Witch Apps: Stone


This app is a reference guide for crystals and stones, providing information on their properties and uses. It’s a great resource for those interested in using crystals in their magical practice.

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Overall, these apps are a great resource for witches of all levels of experience, providing a wealth of information and tools to aid in their practice. So if you’re a witch looking to enhance your craft, be sure to check out these popular witch apps. Happy spell casting!


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