Mercury Virgo Retrograde 2023 August: What It Means for You

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Mercury Retrograde has rolled into Virgo, and as the heavens shift, so does your life. Whether you’re a novice to astrology or a seasoned stargazer, this comprehensive guide covers you. From timing and specific zodiac impacts to survival tips and more—brace yourself for celestial turbulence but rest assured, we’ll help you navigate through it.

The Mercury Retrograde Calendar: Key Dates and What to Expect

Mercury will retrograde from 21 degrees to 8 degrees in Virgo between August 23 and September 16. Mercury retrogrades offer a chance to see shortcomings, complete things, and revisit old issues. Of course, when it is stationary, it is possible to experience disruptions in work—extra caution is needed this week in communication, email traffic, accounting, cars, transportation, hiring, job entries, and contracts.

The first week of the retrograde is not suitable for new beginnings. Steps can be taken to complete existing issues, for example, you could finalize a contract that has been discussed for a long time. To step into brand new issues, it’s necessary to wait until after September 16.

Venus Joins the Party

Since Mercury in retrograde in Virgo is in its rulership and exaltation, it may require doing things twice. It will particularly affect Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, and Sagittarius.

During the Mercury retrograde period, Venus will also be in retrograde until September 4, so you may hear news from old relationships and loves. Between September 2 and 6, Mercury will form a trine aspect with Jupiter, which may give Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn a chance to seize missed opportunities again.

Mercury Retro Time for Transformation

There is a trine aspect between Mars and Pluto, and its effect lasts for 4 days. During this period, you will have the power to make necessary reforms in your life. You may find the courage within you to end relationships or life patterns that are not working and have become outdated.

Short-term solutions will not work during this period. Plans should be made for long-term and radical changes. Pluto can help you see other people’s true intentions. It will indicate what you need to do or focus on to be happy in your life.

The trine aspect between Mars and Pluto is a transit where you may be forced to make big changes in your life. You can achieve success using your power and high motivation. If you encounter any opposition, you may feel that you have the power to overcome your opponent in every sense. Because it’s a celestial aspect that contains a lot of power, it’s still necessary to stay away from conflicts, power struggles, and personality battles.

It’s also a time when libido increases. Power, lust, passion, you name it, it’s all there! Dark secrets may come to light these days.

Mars and Pluto’s Earthly Interaction

Mars is in Virgo / Pluto is in Capricorn. This powerful interaction between the earth signs is ideal for taking action in terms of making financial reforms, chasing investments, and getting tangible results.

However, its reflection in the world is not that innocent; it can also bring along earthquakes, explosions, fires, uncontrollable events, and issues related to sexuality…

Mercury Retrograde Horoscope

Dive into our detailed Zodiac Breakdown to discover exactly how Mercury Retrograde in Virgo will impact your star sign, offering tailored insights that could be the key to navigating this cosmic curveball.


Mercury is retrograding in the areas of work, working conditions, routines, and health. It’s not a good time to hire someone new or start a brand-new job; you may experience disruptions in your daily routines and delays or problems. Pay attention to your health. An old job could come back into focus, and revisions might happen.


Mercury retrograde is starting in the areas related to love, children, and creative subjects. You may return to a hobby you once loved, or enjoy time at a vacation spot you used to visit. If you have a child, you may experience communication issues. Old flames might knock on your door.


Mercury is retrograding in your home, real estate, and family sector. Delays and problems may occur in moving or real estate transactions. As Mercury is your ruling planet, you might need to revisit past issues in your life. For example, you can address long-standing family issues.


Mercury retrograde is in your area of communication, close environment, siblings, and cousins. Problems related to siblings and cousins may arise. Be cautious with communication, emails, presentations, and contracts. Delays and problems could occur in short trips and education, or you might experience an issue related to a vehicle or other means of transportation.


The Mercury retrograde in your second house indicates problems related to financial matters. Delays and issues can happen in money transfers and banking. You can review old expenses and close memberships.


Mercury retrograde in your sign can bring up old issues in relationships and communication. Be cautious while communicating with bosses and managers; you could be at an important decision-making stage. Jupiter’s support may bring past opportunities back into focus in matters of foreigners, travel, media, education, and legal issues.


Mercury retrograde in your 12th house will help you explore your inner world and psychology. You might return to therapy or discover the root cause of certain problems. It’s a good time for consultation.


With Mercury retrograding in the area of friends and social circles, you may reconnect with old friends and even get support from them. You can research to achieve your goals and dreams, by consulting your spouse or social circle.


In the area of career and status, Mercury retrograde could bring up old work friends and past jobs. You might be questioning what you want to do in your career. Issues related to past relationships and legal matters could also surface.


Mercury retrograde will bring up past issues related to foreigners, travels, education, and academic matters. You might get a chance to continue an education you left incomplete. Problems and delays may occur in travel and visa processes and daily routines.


Mercury retrograde may bring problems and delays in matters related to inheritance, alimony, debt, credit, insurance, and compensation. You might want to review financial initiatives and investments with your spouse or partner. This could also relate to buying or selling a house.


In the area of relationships, Mercury retrograde may cause you to reexamine old relationships. Be cautious in all one-on-one communications during this period; misunderstandings and communication issues can occur with your spouse or partner. You might encounter problems in contracts, legal matters, and relationships.


