November 2023 Full Moon In Gemini: The Beaver

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On Monday, November 27, a full moon will occur at 4 degrees in Gemini. The main aspects of the full moon are an opposition to Mars and a square to Saturn, as well as a Mercury-Neptune square. The effect of the full moon will last for four days. The main themes are as follows:

  • Rules and those who break or oppose them
  • Emergence of mistakes, illusions, and their sanctions or corrections
  • Scandal, controversy, gossip, and news traffic
  • Differences in opinion and the expression of ideas
  • This full moon is also a Beaver Moon.
  • The full moon occurs in the 4th house. This means issues of home, real estate, land and boundaries, family and family members, and settlement are at the center of the full moon.

Secrets May Be Revealed!

Gemini is associated with education, travel, communication, mental activities, transportation, and commerce. The ruler of the full moon, Mercury, is in Sagittarius, forming a square aspect with Neptune. In short, some truths may emerge, and there can be issues and confusion in perception and communication. The potential for deception, fraud, or high margins of error is significant.

Especially before expressing opinions or sharing, one should think twice. Disagreements can lead to arguments. Distraction can lead to mistakes, but you might also realize some mistakes you have made.

Saturn Complicates the Game

The full moon also forms a square aspect with Saturn. Obstacles and cancellations related to communication, commerce, marketing, education, and travel, represented by Gemini, can arise, including laws and regulations. Journalists, teachers, and those working in communication and transportation (such as couriers) may face challenging situations.

Traffic accidents or general accidents may occur. One should be careful while walking on the road. Saturn in Pisces, along with this Mercury-Neptune square, can expose faults in certain sectors.

Rest Time

It’s a period where making permanent decisions and being certain can be difficult. Under these conditions, the best thing to do is to listen and read. You can read a lot of books and try to understand different perspectives. It’s a good time to gain knowledge about different cultures and beliefs.

During the full moon period, Venus will trigger the eclipse degree of October 14 and will be in conjunction with the south lunar node. You may encounter someone from the past, possibly an opportunity for a reunion. This person could be a friend, lover, spouse, or a colleague. Financial losses and expenses might come to the forefront. It can be challenging for women, and may also bring up health issues represented by Venus. Diseases related to sugar, the reproductive and urinary systems, kidneys, and the lumbar region are of concern. If you have such chronic conditions, it’s important to listen to your body and consulting a doctor would be advisable.

Full Moon November 2023 Affects On Zodiac


You are not receiving a harsh impact from the full moon because Saturn is in a background position. Short trips may be on the agenda, and you might abandon a project. You might reconnect with someone you knew before or perhaps know them from past lives. Be careful in communication, as there may be false news or misunderstandings. You could receive news about the life of someone in your immediate circle, like a sibling, neighbor, or cousin. You might complete an education program. In communication, transportation, social media, and travel, there could be delays, cancellations, and postponements beyond your control. Your internal fears and anxieties might also oppress and stop you in some matters. You may feel pessimistic at times. This full moon will make you aware of your inner blockages, allowing you to decide to make changes in your routines for a healthier life.


Your primary focus will be on financial matters. You might also experience an awareness regarding the value you give to yourself. Since many planets are in your 8th house, joint financial matters, your partner’s or spouse’s earnings (like debt, credit, alimony, inheritance, etc.) could occupy your mind. Your expenses might increase. If you’re in a romantic relationship, this period could bring you closer and more intimate. If a new agenda regarding work or health began in October, this full moon might be a continuation of it. You might reconnect with someone from your past work life.


The full moon is in your sign, so you’re directly affected. You need to pay attention to your health. It may be difficult to come to an understanding in relationships, and misunderstandings might occur. However, you also have the power to recognize and change some issues. If you’re single, a new relationship with someone from your past may arise. Verify the accuracy of any news you receive during this period. If your residence is around 0-4 degrees Gemini, you may need to make serious decisions regarding your work or social status due to Saturn’s influence.


During the full moon in your 12th house, you are focused on daily routines and health. There may be minor accidents or illnesses, so you should pay attention to your health. Misleading influences in daily routines and work life are possible. There may be deception or being deceived. In this period, it’s important not to make instant decisions as they might catch you off guard. Your dreams may become more vivid, and you might gain awareness about your subconscious. Things hidden from you may come to light, like discovering what a friend truly thinks about you.


Your social circle is becoming more active. During this period, you may spend a lot of time with friends and be active in social life. Misunderstandings with some friends are possible, so be careful with communication in relationships. There could be problems related to debts and payments, which might hinder the realization of your dreams. Your creativity and love life are active, but you may struggle to find inspiration. Avoid lending money to friends during this period and refrain from taking risks in investment matters. Investment opportunities that seem too good to be true might not be as they appear.


You are coming to the end of a phase in your career and public standing. If you are involved in consulting or a partnership business, or if contracts are on the agenda, there may be cancellations or delays. Careful communication is necessary as misunderstandings can lead to arguments. You may be struggling between family and work. Home renovation or moving could be a topic, and renovations might be completed. On the other hand, you might be trying to find solutions to the problems of your spouse, partner, or others.


You Libras are not receiving harsh effects from the full moon; travel, journey, and educational plans may be on your agenda, there can be obstacles and delays in processes and routines in a business matter connected to abroad, there might be errors in online businesses and shopping, and you may experience minor problems in your travels. Be careful in your communication with your close circle and siblings, as there can be misunderstandings and arguments. If you’re planning a car trip, don’t forget to do general maintenance. You might receive the results of an education or an exam. Whatever you are experiencing, it might be concluding a matter that started in October or at the end of September, and you could see progress and results in a matter that began with an eclipse. Some Libras may want to make changes in their style or appearance, and though this week might not be suitable, you can start these endeavors after the effects of the full moon decrease.


Joint financial matters, expenses, and your psychology will be your main focus. You may be able to close a debt, or you might get results in matters like alimony, inheritance, or loans. If you have a child, their needs might increase. Or you might spend on an important hobby. Going to therapy or discussing issues that scare or worry you internally can be relieving. You might experience a spiritual enlightenment related to your inner world, as a continuation of the effects of the solar eclipse that occurred in your 12th house in October. This issue could be related to an old relationship, or it could stem from your perspective on relationships, aesthetics, pleasures, or financial matters. You and your partner might make serious decisions regarding your relationship.


You Libras are not receiving harsh effects from the full moon; travel, journey, and educational plans may be on your agenda, there can be obstacles and delays in processes and routines in a business matter connected to abroad, there might be errors in online businesses and shopping, and you may experience minor problems in your travels. Be careful in your communication with your close circle and siblings, as there can be misunderstandings and arguments. If you’re planning a car trip, don’t forget to do general maintenance. You might receive the results of an education or an exam. Whatever you are experiencing, it might be concluding a matter that started in October or at the end of September, and you could see progress and results in a matter that began with an eclipse. Some Libras may want to make changes in their style or appearance, and though this week might not be suitable, you can start these endeavors after the effects of the full moon decrease.


Joint financial matters, expenses, and your psychology will be your main focus. You may be able to close a debt, or you might get results in matters like alimony, inheritance, or loans. If you have a child, their needs might increase. Or you might spend on an important hobby. Going to therapy or discussing issues that scare or worry you internally can be relieving. You might experience a spiritual enlightenment related to your inner world, as a continuation of the effects of the solar eclipse that occurred in your 12th house in October. This issue could be related to an old relationship, or it could stem from your perspective on relationships, aesthetics, pleasures, or financial matters. You and your partner might make serious decisions regarding your relationship.


During the full moon occurring in your opposite sign, important matters will arise in a relationship, contract, lawsuit, or partnership. You might realize something significant. This could involve your lawyer, realtor, or therapist. There may also be an important issue arising in the life of your spouse or partner, where they might make a decision or require your support. Since Mars and the Sun are in conjunction in your sign, avoid sudden reactions and decisions, and confirm any information you hear from different sources. Don’t force your opinion on the other party. The real challenge will involve home, real estate, or a family matter. If moving, real estate transactions, or land deals are on the agenda, delays and problems may arise. You might reconnect with old friends.


This full moon might bring results related to work. Leaving a job, concluding a project, receiving health-related outcomes, or changing daily routines could be on the cards. During this time, question the accuracy of the news you receive and make sure before making decisions. Issues regarding siblings or cousins might arise, which could mentally exhaust you. A trip or educational endeavor might be canceled or postponed. Light sports, breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation could be very beneficial to calm your mind.


The full moon occurring in your 5th house can bring up a matter of love, flirtation, or if applicable, something related to your children. You might share a creative project with friends, your team, or the public. In your love life, there might be the end or beginning of an important phase with someone you know from the past. If you work in a creative sector, you could see the outcome of a project. You are not receiving very harsh effects from this full moon, but deceptive influences are possible; be cautious of misunderstandings, especially in communication with friends and flirts. If you are involved in teamwork, clear communication is necessary. The challenging area for you might be financial matters, your child’s expenses, spending on things that bring you pleasure, or finding resources for your creative projects. Since this area represents self-confidence, you might also be questioning your self-esteem in a relationship. You may want to find new ideas for earning or saving money, which requires action, but be cautious with risky investments.


You are one of the signs most affected by this full moon, dear Pisces. The full moon occurs in your area of home, family, and living place. Issues like moving, changing places, home alterations, or family matters might come up. Avoid arguing with family members; you might be experiencing stress between home and career. Don’t make sudden decisions, and don’t dismiss things outright. Not everything you hear, especially concerning career-related matters, may be true. Double-check information. Since Saturn is in your sign, you might hold yourself back in some areas, or decide not to do something, like deciding not to see family or to cancel a move. However, there are opportunities in your career area. Have confidence in yourself and believe that you can do better.

