A Guide to Tarot Suits: Elements, Meanings, and More

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The tarot is a mystical tool for divination, offering insights into various aspects of life. Central to its structure are the tarot suits, each representing different elements and aspects of human experience. Understanding these suits is key to interpreting the cards and gaining meaningful insights.

Why Do Cards Have 4 Suits?

The 4 suits of tarot mirror the traditional playing card deck and ancient symbolic systems. These suits provide a comprehensive representation of life’s diverse aspects. By dividing experiences into categories, the suits offer a structured approach to understanding complex situations.

Tarot Suits and Their Elements

Each tarot suit is tied to an element—earth, water, fire, and air. These elements provide a framework for understanding the suits’ core meanings. Earth (Pentacles) grounds us in the physical world, water (Cups) flows through our emotions, fire (Wands) ignites our passions, and air (Swords) elevates our thoughts. Recognizing these elemental connections enhances the interpretation of the cards.

Tarot Suits in Order

The tarot suits in order traditionally follow a sequence: Pentacles, Cups, Wands, and Swords. This order reflects a journey from material concerns (Pentacles) through emotional (Cups) and inspirational (Wands) experiences to intellectual and communicative challenges (Swords). Understanding this progression aids in grasping the narrative structure of the tarot.

Tarot Suits Astrological Signs

Tarot suits also correlate with astrological signs. Pentacles are linked to earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Cups to water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Wands to fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), and Swords to air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). This alignment bridges tarot readings with astrology, offering deeper insights.

Suits Seasons and Timing

Each suit can indicate seasons and time frames. Pentacles align with autumn, Cups with summer, Wands with spring, and Swords with winter. This seasonal connection helps in timing predictions within readings. For example, a Pentacle card might suggest events occurring in autumn or within a few months.

The Four Suits of Tarot and Their Meanings


  • Element: Earth
  • Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Season: Autumn

Pentacles are linked to the element of earth, symbolizing the material aspects of life. This suit represents work, finances, and material possessions. Often, Pentacles appear in readings concerning career and financial wealth. When a Pentacle card shows up, it typically indicates issues or changes related to physical or financial stability.


  • Element: Water
  • Astrological signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Season: Summer

Cups are associated with water, reflecting emotions, intuition, and creativity. This suit often appears in readings about relationships, both with oneself and others. Cups delve into the heart, highlighting emotional states and connections. They signal emotional experiences and guide us through our feelings and artistic expressions.


  • Element: Fire
  • Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Season: Spring

Wands represent fire, embodying energy, motivation, and passion. This suit often relates to life purpose, spirituality, and new ideas. Wands inspire action and enthusiasm, prompting growth and exploration. They appear in readings to ignite the drive for achieving goals and pursuing dreams.


  • Element: Air
  • Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Season: Winter

Swords align with the element of air, symbolizing thoughts, words, and actions. This suit frequently appears in situations involving decision-making, communication, and asserting power. Swords cut through confusion, providing clarity and intellectual insight. They guide mental processes and articulate ideas, often in challenging or complex scenarios.

Suits and Numbers

Each tarot suit corresponds with numbers, from Ace to Ten, followed by the court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These numbers and figures add layers of meaning, representing stages of development and archetypal energies.

Number Meanings

  1. Ace: New beginnings, opportunities, potential.
  2. Two: Balance, partnership, duality.
  3. Three: Growth, collaboration, initial success.
  4. Four: Stability, structure, foundation.
  5. Five: Conflict, challenge, change.
  6. Six: Harmony, adjustment, victory.
  7. Seven: Reflection, assessment, introspection.
  8. Eight: Action, movement, progress.
  9. Nine: Fulfillment, culmination, nearing completion.
  10. Ten: Completion, finality, cycles ending.

Court Card Meanings

  1. Page: New ideas, beginnings, messages.
  2. Knight: Action, movement, pursuit.
  3. Queen: Nurturing, maturity, intuition.
  4. King: Authority, mastery, leadership.

Mastering the tarot suits enriches the reading experience, providing a clearer, more nuanced understanding of the cards. Each suit, with its associated element, numbers, and astrological connections, offers unique insights into various life aspects. Embracing this knowledge allows for more accurate and meaningful tarot readings, guiding us through the mysteries of the human experience.

