Full Moon in Capricorn: The End of an Era

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The full moon in Capricorn happening on Sunday, July 21st. It is a continuation of the themes from June. This year, we are experiencing two full moons in Capricorn. No need to say it but, it’s an important year for Capricorns; and also for Cancers, Libras, and Aries.

Rip Off the Band-Aid

The full moon is occurring at 29 degrees and conjunct Pluto. Even though this conjunction is “out of sign,” its impact is significant because Pluto is retrograde. The full moon is also supported by Neptune in Pisces. This ending will be painless, as Neptune provides a touch of anesthesia. With Libra rising, Venus in Leo in the 11th house brings focus to valuable metals, the stock market, digital currency, economics, and banking. Political and financial relationships between countries are also highlighted.

Welcoming An Official Ending

Capricorn symbolizes official matters related to companies, large institutions, government, state organizations, and systems. There might be system changes within institutions. For example, you might experience significant changes at your workplace. It’s an important full moon for those in the corporate world.

Capricorn also represents the elderly, and the condition of long-ailing family elders may become critical.

This full moon indicates the end of the familiar order, ushering in a challenging period for systems and administrations. In your personal life, it’s time to be extra cautious and prudent regarding work, career matters, and long-term investments.

Capricorn Full Moon Effects on the Zodiac Signs:

A small note: if you have planets at 29 degrees in any sign, you will be more affected.


A cycle related to your career and future plans is ending. You might quit your job, start a new one, get a promotion, or change sectors. Alternatively, you might be getting married or deciding to start a family, leading to significant changes in your status and identity.


You will reach a conclusion regarding foreign matters, education, travel, or legal issues. You might not want to do things the same way anymore. Perhaps changing your field of study or going in a different direction can help you. Your old era could end by receive your diploma or complete an education. A long-awaited legal case might conclude. You could see results from work in media or publishing, such as getting your book published or making a deal with a publisher, or ending a relationship with one and moving on to another institution.


There might be an end related to your partner’s income. You could pay off a debt. Your endings might come from issues like compensation, scholarships, taxes, or alimony. You are reaching the end of an era in financial matters and personal relationships.


You are one of the most affected signs. You are coming to the end of an era, and this situation is largely out of your control. There might be breakups in relationships or endings in partnerships. You are getting support from Neptune, so ongoing relationships could move to the next step, and you might get married. An important matter in your partner’s life might conclude, significantly impacting your life as well. A lawsuit might end, and you could decide to move.


There will be an ending related to your work or the people you work with. Someone working for you might quit. You could leave your job or finish a project. You could reach the end of a medical treatment. Since Mercury and Venus are in your sign, there might be a resolution in relationships as well. Whatever happens, you will be in the spotlight. Your words and thoughts will play an important role. In the end, you will come out ahead.


You will receive positive effects from this full moon. A phase in your love life might be ending, and you could make decisions such as getting engaged or married. You might have a child or decide to become a parent. Your talents in a creative area will become more visible, and you might receive an award or complete a creative project. An important phase in your child’s life might also be ending.


You are one of the most affected signs. This full moon is a continuation of the agenda from the end of June. Your house might undergo urban renewal, and you might move. You could leave your family or country. You might sell your house. There could be an agenda related to your family, and you might feel a bit sensitive. You may feel that a phase related to your habits, childhood, and places you belong to is ending, and you are now ready for a fundamental change.


With the full moon occurring in your third house, you might experience an ending or make a decision related to siblings, cousins, or close relationships – this could also include a neighbor. A short trip might come up. Your neighbor might move. You might sell or change your phone. You could sell your car. A communication-related project might end. An important contract might come to an end or be renewed.


This full moon in your financial sector might bring an end to certain sources of income. Your salary cessation could change due to a career change or close your business. However, it could be an opportunity to explore different ways of earning money. You may review your expenses. Matters related to your partner’s inheritance, alimony, compensation, or insurance might conclude.


You are one of the most affected signs. There might be a focus on yourself, your body, or your health. An important relationship could end or move to the next level. You might experience an ending related to your elderly family members. You may feel that a phase in your life is over and that you are starting a new one. This conclusion will be beneficial for you, as Pluto is finally leaving your sign, marking a review of the past 16 years.


If you were born in the early degrees of Aquarius, you will be more affected. It’s time to give up bad habits, leave old routines behind, and renew yourself. Your love life is also significant because your 5th and 7th houses are quite active. The changes in your life might be relationship-related; for example, due to your partner and your relationship, you might want to change and step into a new life. Your relationship or the person you are with might be good for you, improving your mood.


There might be an ending related to your social circle and friends. A team project might end, leading to financial gain. You could receive material or emotional support. Some frienships could end. You might attract attention at an event or organization.

