
Honoring Ostara: Goddess of Spring Equinox 

Ostara, known as the Spring Equinox, is a holiday celebrated in late March (March 21st), dedicated to fertility and new growth; it takes its...

The Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

The temperance card in tarot can be a bit difficult to interpret, in short it is about blending and synthesizing opposites.

Best Christmas Movies To Make New Year Magical

Cold winter nights are the best time to curl up under the blanket with your hot drink and watch a movie. Especially when the...

Yule Tradition: What Is It and How To Celebrate It?

Yule is an ancient pagan winter festival celebrated by the Germanic people. It is a holiday celebrating the winter solstice, the day when the...

Chiron: The Wounded Healer of Mythology and its Reflection in Astrology

The wounded healer Chiron is a great gift and talent. Chiron is a small celestial body located between Saturn and Uranus. It was discovered...

Seven Sisters In The Sky: Myth and Symbolism of Pleiades

The Pleiades star cluster has been an object of fascination and wonder for thousands of years. You may know her as the Seven Sisters....

Ouroboros Meaning: Create Yourself

Ouroboros, snake eating itself meaning, is life & death, end & beginning, repetition & regeneration, past & future, end & eternity, self-feeding & self-harm.

How to Do Centering?

The meaning of centering is letting go of bad vibes. Then, recharging the center of our power with the energy of nature. Our core strength emerges then we take root and bloom. Visualize it for only 15 minutes.

12 Must-Have Witch Apps for Every Witches and Pagans

Witchcraft has been around for centuries and has evolved over time, with many practitioners now turning to technology to help them in their craft....

How to Carve and Preserve Your Pumpkin for Halloween?

It is officially the spooky season! So it is also the time for pumpkin carving. Everybody loves a good Jack-o-lantern and wants to display...

Halloween Activities Faithful to Samhain Traditions

Halloween roots back to an ancient festival Samhain. If you want to celebrate a real pagan Halloween, here are the ancient Samhain traditions for you!

Halloween Origins & Traditions: The Real Story Behind

Although it is not known exactly when it was first celebrated, it is known that the origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient...

Samhain: One of the Greater Sabbats

October is here! Mother nature welcomes us to a new cycle and it had a lot to do with Halloween. At the beginning of...

The Ultimate Witch Centric Tv Series List

We have listed the TV series in which witches direct the events and contain a lot of rituals, magic, and spells. Which are your favorites?

What Are The Characteristics of Libra?

Libra is known as the sign of elegance and balance, ruled by Venus in astrology. The symbol of attraction, famous for its indecision, stands before you.

Adapt To Nature: Fall Color Trends For This Autumn

Autumn has arrived and nature has turned into Samhain colors! Adapt nature's latest fashion colors with autumn makeup trends. Here is all you want to know about fall look makeup!