Blue Full Moon In Aquarius: Unexpected Events and Cosmic Shifts

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A powerful full moon in Aquarius at 27 degrees, with the influence of Uranus awaits us on Monday, August 19. We have already started feeling its effects, and it will continue to influence us throughout the upcoming week.

The Full Moon of Sudden Changes

This full moon is about the emergence of unexpected situations and the decisions and changes we make in response to these sudden developments. Due to Uranus’s influence, we might experience natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, accidents, lightning strikes, storms, and other sudden weather changes, as well as explosions. There could be uprisings, protests, situations related to war, and sudden developments in the financial sector.

The Influence of Uranus

Uranus awakens us from our sleep. Brilliant ideas may come to mind. You may suddenly understand things you hadn’t noticed before. However, it’s crucial not to rush into decisions despite this heightened awareness. On the other hand, we may encounter situations that seem “crazy” or “unbelievable.” We may also observe issues involving people who lack love.

Let’s not forget that Uranus is in Algol. The influence of Algol will continue until June 2025. So, what does Algol do? Algol is one of the harshest stars in astrology. This fixed star is associated with beheading and is also known as the demon star. The violence, assassinations, wars, cruelty, ambition, excessive passion, jealousy, and economic turmoil we are witnessing these days are connected to this star.

Sun-Uranus Square

The full moon on August 19 will be the only blue moon of 2024. However, this isn’t a particularly romantic occasion, as there’s a Sun-Uranus square to be mindful of. We’ve already started feeling the effects of this aspect. It brings sudden movements, impulsive reactions, rebellion, and a desire for freedom, often leading to unexpected weather and natural events. Earthquakes, accidents—especially plane crashes—electrical issues, cyberattacks, power outages, and storms are all possibilities. Specifically, during this full moon, mountaineers, those who jump from heights, skydivers, etc., may experience some accidents. This week is not suitable for such sports, as there is a risk of falling from heights.

What Good Is Regret After the Fact?

The agenda may change with unexpected news, and people may react in surprising ways. We should be cautious about what we say in communication this week. Decisions made on the spur of the moment could lead to regret later. On the other hand, if there have been long-standing issues that have been restricting you, you might suddenly feel the urge to break free—perhaps even abruptly leave or lash out at someone.

Joking aside, layoffs and breakups may become apparent this week. There could also be an increase in public uprisings, protests, and strikes.

Surprises of the Full Moon

In the days surrounding the full moon in Aquarius, we might encounter completely unexpected events. It’s important to remain calm and cautious, particularly regarding excessive spending. The opposition of Venus and Saturn indicates a tight financial situation, and relationships should be taken seriously as well. Otherwise, there could be breakups in relationships. These effects are not just limited to 1-2 weeks; they extend into September, where we are already expecting a lunar eclipse.

Full Moon in Aquarius 2024 Horoscope

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, brings a surge of unexpected energy, with Uranus intensifying its influence. This powerful lunar event stirs up sudden changes, from spontaneous decisions to surprising shifts in our environment. Prepare for breakthroughs and disruptions as this celestial moment encourages innovation, rebellion, and bold choices—pushing us to embrace the unknown and transform the way we approach life.


You need to remain calm and sensible. The rising sign of this full moon is Aries, which is why you are directly affected. Avoid getting into arguments within your circle of friends and in social settings during this period, and refrain from making impulsive posts on social media. Wait until September to make serious decisions or express your opinions. Don’t be overly demanding in relationships; try to be content with what you have. Be mindful of heart and blood pressure issues.


You are directly influenced by this full moon in Aquarius. You might be perceived as ambitious, demanding, harsh, stubborn, vindictive, or jealous—and you may even act this way. There could be sudden endings in your work and career. If things aren’t going as you’d like, you might react suddenly. In relationships or in situations you don’t like, you may feel the urge to suddenly walk away or end things. Be cautious of accidents at home and electrical leaks; household items might break down. Important family matters could come to the forefront. Be careful in all aspects to avoid accidents. If possible, avoid surgery during this period unless absolutely necessary.


You may experience situations like accidents on the road or car breakdowns. Focus on one thing at a time and don’t make quick decisions. Sudden conversations could cause problems in relationships, especially with siblings, neighbors, and cousins, so be careful with your communication. Electronic devices might break down. Legal and judicial issues could arise. You’re prone to arguments, and decisions made in the past could impact you today. Pay attention to passwords and agreements.


Full moon in Aquarius affects you financially. Be careful with spending and debts; issues related to loans, inheritance, or alimony may come up. While you are already a frugal person, you might need to be even more cautious during this time. If possible, postpone buying or selling matters. If necessary, eliminate or clean up things that don’t serve you or that cause expenses. You might face delays in your dealings with foreigners, visa or passport issues, and in educational or commercial matters.


You are directly affected by this full moon. Be prepared for sudden developments in relationships, marriage, agreements, contracts, partnerships, and legal matters. You are highly prone to making wrong decisions and saying the wrong things. Words spoken impulsively could end a relationship, so be thoughtful in your communication. Avoid harsh words, especially in your career, work, and in your relationship with your mother. Delay signing contracts, and manage your relationships and communication carefully. Don’t be selfish. Avoid cosmetic surgeries during this period.


The full moon is affecting your health and work areas. There might be an ending related to your job, such as the completion of a project. A matter concerning your pet could come up. You may unexpectedly form lucky connections with foreign countries or distant relatives. You might break free from addictions. It’s possible that you’ll let go of people or habits that aren’t good for you. During this time, you might feel somewhat depressed, pessimistic, and see life as uncertain. Don’t allow negative thoughts to take over.


There could be sudden developments in your love life and with your children. Although this full moon doesn’t have a very harsh impact on you, the South Node is in your sign, making you open to change throughout the year. Pay special attention to communication on social media and with friends, as mistakes could happen. Avoid making decisions regarding investments, buying and selling, and loans. Your partner may also experience financial problems. Sudden developments related to inheritance, alimony, or compensation might occur.


You are directly affected by this full moon. This full moon will impact your home, real estate, family, and living situation. Moving might be on the agenda. An unexpected situation might lead you to do renovations or engage in buying, selling, or renting a property. Be cautious of mistakes and misunderstandings in your work and career area. Avoid making career decisions. A sudden situation involving your spouse or partner might create stress.


You will experience this full moon in areas related to siblings, close relatives, cousins, and neighbors. You may need to attend to these people. Be careful on the road and in traffic. You could encounter problems with legal matters, issues involving foreigners, travel, and areas related to laws. Protect your passwords and avoid answering calls from unknown numbers. Be cautious with agreements, contracts, marriages, and partnerships; act honestly and don’t make hasty decisions.


You are experiencing the full moon in the financial area. Money-related issues may arise, but it’s not a good time to ask for a raise. Unexpected expenses might come up, or you may realize the need to be more careful with your spending. You may consider selling something. Avoid health-related surgeries during this period. Manage matters related to loans, inheritance, or alimony very carefully.


This is your full moon. You may experience sudden developments in all areas, so avoid taking risks. For example, don’t go mountain climbing or skydiving. Be cautious when using electrical devices. Especially in relationships, contracts, marriages, legal matters, and partnerships, be logical and refrain from making decisions. There may be misunderstandings in relationships, so make sure to express yourself clearly. Be mindful of the sun and heat. Take good care of your health if you have conditions like diabetes, heart, vascular problems, skin diseases, or neurological disorders.


Hidden truths may come to light with this full moon. Your subconscious and fears may trouble you, so try to maintain inner balance. You may let go of bad behaviors and habits during this time. Don’t be pessimistic, and leave the past behind. Take great care of your health, as a full moon will occur in your sign in September, so start preparing now.

