
Which Witch Are You Based on Your Menstrual Cycle?

In this world of the mystical and the natural, there lies a profound connection between the moon's rhythmic patterns and women's intrinsic menstrual cycle. Our ancient ancestors noticed this...

Types of Witches: The Eclectic Witch

An eclectic witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who does not follow a specific tradition or path, but instead creates their own unique blend...

Honoring Ostara: Goddess of Spring Equinox 

Ostara, known as the Spring Equinox, is a sacred time of balance, renewal, and fertility, celebrated in late March (typically on March 21st). This...

New Year Rituals to Start the Year with New Energy

The New Year buzz isn’t just about resolutions and champagne. It’s also a magical time for rituals. The transition from one year to the...

A Timeless Tradition: The Yule Log Cake Fillings & Recipes

In the heart of winter, when the air is crisp and the night is at its longest, the Yule log burns brightly in homes...

12 Days of Yule: Modern Guide to Winter Solstice Rituals

The Winter Solstice, also known as Yule or Yuletide, marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year. In 2024, this pivotal...

6 Rituals to Empower Your Soul This Winter Season

The winter season carries an undeniable magic, weaving together the longest nights and frost-kissed mornings. For witches and mystics, this time of year is...

Core of Manifestation: Understanding Rituals as a Medium

Manifestation—this buzzword seems to be everywhere, doesn't it? But what is manifestation, really? Is it just scribbling affirmations on sticky notes or lighting a candle...

Halloween Activities Faithful to Samhain Traditions

Halloween roots back to an ancient festival Samhain. If you want to celebrate a real pagan Halloween, here are the ancient Samhain traditions for you!

Halloween Origins & Traditions: The Real Story Behind

Although it is not known exactly when it was first celebrated, it is known that the origin of Halloween dates back to the ancient...

Samhain: One of the Greatest Sabbats

October is here! Mother nature welcomes us to a new cycle and it had a lot to do with Halloween. At the beginning of...

Ouija Board: Unveiling the Mysterious Origins

The Ouija Board, a.k.a. spirit board or talking board, is a flat board with letters of the alphabet, numbers, and other symbols printed on...

A Guide for Celebrating Mabon: Fall Equinox Blessings

The next pagan holiday is here! The Wiccan wheel of the year point to Mabon. But What is the meaning of Mabon and how to celebrate it?

Witchy Protection: Front Door Magic

Within the fascinating realm of witchcraft and mystical practices, protection magic holds a sacred place. It involves harnessing ancient rituals and techniques to shield...

Summer Flame: How To Increase Fire Element In Body

Have you ever wondered why some people radiate warmth, energy, and passion? The secret lies in their elemental balance - specifically, the fire element....

Honoring the Sun: How To Celebrate Litha

From crafting a sun-soaked altar to indulging in a feast of seasonal abundance, the blog offers a myriad of ways how to celebrate Litha...

Bath Ritual Magic: Purification, Protection & Manifestation

Bath ritual magic is a form of spiritual practice that involves the use of water, herbs, and other natural elements to cleanse the body...