Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2023: Reality Check

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The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is on October 28 at 4:47 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This is the last of the eclipses we have experienced on the Taurus-Scorpio axis since October 2021. The lesson of the Taurus-Scorpio axis was to learn what to hold onto and what to let go of. The completion of this process will be this eclipse, and its effects will last for six months.

Messages from the Past

An eclipse from the same Saros cycle occurred in October 2005, and the last eclipse at 5 degrees took place in October 2004. Therefore, we may encounter situations similar to those experienced in the years 2004-2005.


The eclipse will be observable from Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe, the Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, as well as the east of North and South America. Astrocartographically, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Azerbaijan, and the surrounding areas stand out.

Notes for the Future

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus degrees will be triggered again around December 9, 17, the end of December, January 25, and especially around February 20. You may see the continuation of what you will experience in the coming days.

Controlled Emotions

Lunar eclipses are times when emotional sensitivity increases, similar to a highly impactful full moon. During these times, it is important to stay calm and go with the flow, keeping stress at bay. It may highlight issues related to the neck, throat area, tonsils, swallowing, thyroid, vocal cords, larynx, hormonal disorders, sexual diseases, large intestine, and excretory problems.

Eclipses occurring in this area can also bring diseases to animals, and there may be problems with animal products.

Stay Safe


The opposition of Mars and Jupiter is the main aspect of the eclipse, revealing a high and uncontrolled energy. There can be an increase in appetite, impulsive decisions and expenditures, and fanatical attitudes towards ideas and ideologies. Events can grow quickly and in an exaggerated manner.

During the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the horns of Taurus reach out to the stars Hamal and Sheratan. This area harbors harsh energies; it is associated with rigidity, cruelty, earthquakes, or economic quakes. Therefore, be sure to maintain unity and solidarity during this period, and be careful to avoid people and situations that could lead to arguments.

In short, in our personal lives, we need to be cool-headed and logical, choose our words carefully in communication, and maintain a balance between income and expenditure.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Impacts on Zodiac Signs


The lunar eclipse in Taurus marks a pivotal moment in astrology, promising transformation across all zodiac signs. Known for its grounding energy, Taurus urges us to reassess our values, particularly about material wealth and stability. This brief guide will unravel the unique challenges and opportunities this celestial event brings for each zodiac sign, helping us navigate the changes with ease and awareness.


The support of Jupiter in the house of income during the eclipse indicates that you could increase your gains in financial matters. It is necessary to control expenditures. You may get results from financial topics such as debt, receivables, inheritance, shared matters, your spouse’s earnings, and credit; however, do not take risks. Venus in the field of work shows that a job or a project could bring gains.


Since the eclipse occurs in your sign, it is important to maintain your spiritual and physical health. You are under strong influences, and especially in terms of relationships, you may be at a turning point. Matters involving partnerships, contracts, and competition may lead to conflicts. The Venus Jupiter trine will support you. You may receive the reward of success, which could relate to a partnership business, or investment, or you may make decisions concerning the lives of your children.


The final eclipse in your 12th house indicates that you need to pay attention to your health. You may learn about matters you were previously unaware of and realize that you are protected from unexpected sources. However, control is not in your hands in this area. You can eliminate matters from your life that you wish to let go of and that needs to end. This is a good time to get rid of addictions. You may experience spiritual and physical relaxation; do not be anxious.


You may see a dream come true, receive the results of a project, or enter a new environment. You are entering a period where your social life is invigorated Cancers. You can engage in your favorite hobbies, and set new goals for the future. Some friendships might end, and there could be disagreements within your circle of friends.


The eclipse in your career and status area will show that a period in your life has now closed. You can get clear results in terms of work and career Leos; you might leave your job, enter a new job, relocate, or make a change of place. Important issues might arise in the lives of your parents. Venus will increase your gains in the financial area. During this period, stay away from arguments in the home and family area with Mars.


You are facing an eclipse in a favorable area; you may complete an education, start an education, or achieve success in the academic field. Your perspective on life is changing. You can get results in matters related to overseas businesses and travel, as well as legal processes. However, during this period, there could be problems related to travel, as well as with siblings and neighbors. Venus is in your sign Virgo, and you are loved and appreciated in your environment.


The final eclipse in your eighth house indicates that you will finally get what you have been waiting for in long-term collaborations and financial matters, as well as in sharing with a spouse or partner, compensation, inheritance, alimony, insurance, credit, etc. Resources coming from partners or a spouse may increase, but be careful with expenditures. Stay away from arguments in debt-credit matters and remain calm. Pay attention to your mental health Libras; you may also experience revelations concerning your shadow aspects.


The eclipse occurring in your opposite sign brings up an important matter related to relationships. You may decide to end a relationship or partnership. Some Scorpios may also start a relationship. You are in a very competitive, fast-paced process; be careful with rigid attitudes and choose your words carefully in communication. It is also important to pay attention to your health; there could be accidents and health problems.


You will experience completion in your daily routines, health, work conditions, and matters related to your pets. You might leave a job, change jobs, or experience changes in nutrition, diet, sports, or work conditions. Pay attention to health problems, and there could be issues with colleagues or employees. You may need to take care of your pet.


The eclipse occurring in the area of love and children could lead you to decide to have a child or bring good news about children. There could be developments in your child’s life. Uncontrolled things may also happen in your love life. You may discover your talents, there could be competition in teamwork, and you might receive the results of an investment made earlier. However, stay away from risky investments.


You are receiving very strong influences in the areas of family, home, and career. In the last eclipse occurring on this axis, you will get results from the issues you have been dealing with for the last two years. A family matter might come up, and you might experience major changes such as moving, leaving the nest, buying and selling a house, marriage, or divorce. You might experience changes in your home, engage in tasks such as decoration, etc. You are quite active in your career but stay away from arguments with superiors.


Changes may occur with siblings, cousins, neighbors, and your immediate environment. You may start an education, complete an education, find commercial opportunities, and have travel opportunities. However, there could be problems related to communication and travel. During this period, you can devote time to an important project, such as writing a book or opening a website. Important contracts and matters related to overseas connections may be on the agenda. Venus is in your opposite sign; you may receive support from a spouse or partner.



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