Meet The Karmic Teacher: What Is Saturn Return?

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If you are in your late 20s or early 30s and have started to experience significant changes in your life, you may be undergoing an astrological transformation. If you are in a period where you are surprised by what is happening in your life, you are likely being visited by Saturn. After all, it is quite impossible not to notice the Saturn Return.

As much as we know about Mercury Retrograde, we know very little about the Cycles of Saturn. Yet, Saturn appears in our lives as a transformative force throughout our existence. It does not leave without confronting us with what we have overlooked.

Our Karmic Teacher

Every 27 or 29.5 years, Saturn returns to the zodiac sign and the exact degree it was in at the time of your birth, and it stays for about 2.5 years. Saturn is generally known for its heavy, powerful, and dominant energy. It is associated with organization, structure, and rigidity. It is the zodiac’s karmic teacher trying to show us what we need to do.

We can think of the Cycles of Saturn as a cosmic alarm clock trying to wake us up in our late 20s, 50s, and just before our 80s. Whether it’s about your career, relationships, or family life, these cycles are triggers that check if you are on the right path. If you are not, Saturn helps you to get everything back on track, whether you like it or not.

For example, if there are things in your relationship that need to be corrected or worked on, and somehow you are overlooking them. Saturn, with its karmic cycle, can spread the same problems to other areas of your life. Similarly, if you are in a situation that drags you down and prevents you from shining, Saturn can bring the problems in this area to light, allowing you to see everything differently.

Are You Ready for Transformation?

When it comes to Saturn, you should be ready to level up and undergo a cosmic transformation. When you do the necessary work, Saturn rewards you both spiritually and in your life. In fact, if you increase your awareness, you can use your Saturn Return to your advantage.

Healing the Past

Saturn represents the cycles in your past life and shows how you get along with your family, father, or authority figures in your current life. In this area, if you need to set things right, you may need to approach your experiences from a different angle. Saturn sheds light on your past life and helps heal these areas, thereby helping to correct the problems you are experiencing in the current period.

Planning Your Future

Knowing when Saturn will visit you can shed light on planning your future. The first cosmic Saturn Return is a gateway to adulthood, also known as the 30-year crisis. During this period, we begin to strengthen our resources in the areas of career, family, and relationships. Instead of going out every night, we start spending more time at home and become more aware of our responsibilities. In terms of relationships, we start seeking more permanent unions.

The second Saturn Return occurs in the middle of our lives and can be used to start a new chapter. How do you want to proceed? What do you want to achieve? And what path do you need to take to get there?

The third Saturn Return happens in the later stages of your life and guides you on how to make the most of your remaining time. Saturn is the planet of dedication and planning. Creating a routine and not wasting your time is key. Therefore, you can use Saturn as a timer for what you want to achieve. However, be honest with yourself in this process. Do not criticize or judge yourself.

Learning to Take Responsibility

Saturn offers respect, abundance, and love to those who do the necessary work to improve their lives. Thus, during the Saturn Return, we undergo tests that prepare us for the future. For example, it encourages you to balance your work and personal life. Saturn wants us to be more work-focused, taking our duties seriously and fulfilling our responsibilities.

If there are jobs, people, and situations in our life that no longer serve us, Saturn sheds light on these issues. It helps us attract what is truly valuable to our lives and people who will elevate us. Therefore, instead of looking for shortcuts, Saturn expects us to seriously engage with the tests and tasks presented to us and to put in the effort to progress. Saturn is a karmic planet, and the way you handle situations will affect the outcomes you receive in the future.

Saturn Return & Second Chances

As a teaching planet, Saturn offers us many opportunities for change and progress throughout our lives. We continue to receive the same lessons until we learn what we need to. As long as we react to problems in the same way, we continue to attract events or people into our lives that will produce the same outcomes. Therefore, the key is to learn to respond differently. This is one of the most important tests Saturn puts us through. It gives serious warnings that we need to start taking life seriously. In this sense, Saturn is actually merciful. It continues to give you new chances until you learn.

The Reward and Punishment of Saturn Returns

If you strive to become the best version of yourself or at least decide to take steps in this direction, Saturn will support you. However, if you ignore what this planet is trying to teach and show you, you may face different outcomes. Saturn helps us learn from our mistakes in life and makes us repeat the same mistakes until we learn the right way. Remember that the continuity of this repetition depends on your attitude. When you move in harmony with the universe and learn what you need to, it will bear unlimited and boundless rewards. When you play by Saturn’s rules, you could get a promotion at work, find happiness in romantic relationships, or achieve success in whichever area of your life you desire. Therefore, never overlook the tasks given by Saturn.



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