We did not invent mathematics; we simply discovered it. The world and the universe we live in were already speaking this ancient language. Humanity began its journey of understanding the world by deciphering this universal code. Repeating numbers and mathematical cycles are woven like pearls into every aspect of nature’s functioning, such as the number pi.
The Gregorian calendar may celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1st, but it was designed to disconnect us from our true, divine cyclical nature.

We all know there are 12 months in a year. However, if we observe nature, we can create a perfect year of 13 months and 28 days, with one extra day for rest and reset. This structure provides 365 days a year without the irregularities of some months having 30 days, others 31, and the peculiar leap years. This simple cycle is evident in nature in several ways.
For example, there are 13 moon cycles per year, each separated by 28 days. This rhythm is reflected in nature as well. Consider the 13 large intersections on a turtle’s shell, surrounded by 28 smaller sections. And of course, there are 28 days in the menstrual cycle, which quite literally brings life to humanity. Is it even possible for a being that creates life to be disconnected from nature?
One only needs to observe the harmony of the female body to witness how everything in nature dances in perfect synchrony. For instance, your menstrual cycle is connected to the seasons.
Just as there are four seasons, there are four phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Winter: The Menstrual Phase
In winter, the world slows down. Trees shed their leaves, the earth pauses, and everything embraces the art of rest. This is the mensturation cycle’s first phase. During menstruation, the body sheds the uterine lining, releasing what no longer serves. The energy is inward-focused. Just like the quiet of winter, it is a moment of retreat and reflection. Honoring this phase means recognizing its power to cleanse and renew.
Spring: The Follicular Phase
Spring bursts forth with life. Blossoms open, seeds sprout, and the earth hums with renewal. The follicular phase mirrors this awakening. During this phase, follicles in the ovaries begin to mature, preparing for ovulation. It is a time of fresh beginnings and boundless creativity. The body is fertile ground, both literally and metaphorically. In the dance of the mensturation cycle phases, this is when potential takes root.
Summer: The Ovulation Phase
Summer radiates vitality and warmth. The sun reaches its zenith, and life thrives in abundance. Similarly, ovulation is the peak of the mensturation cycle in women. The mature follicle releases an egg, ready to embrace the possibilities of creation. This phase is synonymous with charisma and productivity. It is the time to connect, attract, and manifest. Decisions come easily, and confidence blooms.
Fall: The Luteal Phase
Autumn ushers in preparation. The leaves turn, the harvest ripens, and the earth braces for winter. In the luteal phase, the uterine lining thickens, anticipating either implantation or release. The energy begins to wane, inviting introspection. This phase carries the grounding energy of fall, a moment to complete tasks and prepare for the quiet ahead. It is a gentle nudge to align intentions with actions.
The Magic of Menstrual Seasons
The cyclical nature of the mensturation cycle reflects life itself. Each phase carries distinct mensturation cycle symptoms and moods. From the inward stillness of winter to the vibrant pulse of summer, these shifts are a sacred dialogue between body and nature. Understanding this connection can deepen self-awareness and foster harmony.
What is the correct cycle for periods? It is a rhythm that is unique to each person. Yet, the seasonal framework offers a universal lens through which to view it. The connection between the mensturation cycle and mood becomes clear when seen through this enchanting prism.
Embracing the mensturation cycle and ovulation as part of nature’s flow allows for a profound appreciation of its role. The body’s wisdom speaks in the language of seasons. When honored, this rhythm reveals its transformative magic.
In the ever-turning wheel of life, the mensturation cycle seasons remind us that change is constant, and every phase holds its own beauty. Just as the seasons paint the earth, so does the mensturation cycle color the experience of being human. Celebrate it, live it, and let it guide you through the ebbs and flows of existence.