Needs & Emotions: Plutonic New Moon in Cancer July 2023

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Get ready for a celestial event that promises significant transformation and potential upheaval. The Plutonic New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, is set to stir the cosmic pot in ways that will directly impact our home, work, and personal lives. As this celestial body sweeps through the starry sky, we delve into the nuances of this celestial event, which holds a wealth of astrological significance.

Astrological Significance of the Plutonic New Moon in Cancer

Cancer, the crab, symbolizes our connection to home, country, nation, and people. In this lunar event, the new moon aligns with Aquarius, the ascendant sign representing the societal realm and humanity. This alignment unfolds within the 6th house – the realm of daily routines, work conditions, health issues, and habits.

A Call to Secure and Connect

The Plutonic New Moon urges us to prioritize our safety, possibly making us more prone to withdrawing or hiding. It’s a time when manipulative situations might surface, urging us to confront and solve deep-seated family issues and matters related to our roots.

As the new moon waxes, expect a surge in nationalist feelings. Issues involving the mafia might make headlines, and topics related to employees, working conditions, and health will gain prominence. Some might even encounter natural disasters.

Health Risks and Security Concerns

From July 20-23, exercise caution due to the Mars-Saturn opposition. This period might trigger hostility, threats, feelings of entrapment, obstructions, accidents, or health problems. Bone fractures, skin issues, dental problems, and a range of health complications might surface. Additionally, it’s a time when military mobilization might increase or the necessity to ensure national security might arise.

Facing Challenges, Embracing Change

With the Moon crossing boundaries, we might find ourselves reacting strongly to situations. Over the following two weeks, struggles with security issues at work or within family and country boundaries might intensify. In response, many might contemplate significant life changes, such as switching jobs, moving houses, or even entering marital bonds.

The silver lining of this new moon is its sextile with Uranus, which presents opportunities to change circumstances. Technological and scientific innovations might become more prevalent. Additionally, the new moon aligns with the Procyon fixed star, a symbol of healing, medicine, the pharmaceutical sector, and dogs, bringing these areas into focus.

Zodiac Signs in the Spotlight

The Plutonic New Moon in Cancer will especially affect those born under the signs of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, and Aries. However, its effects will reverberate across all zodiac signs, encouraging us all to remain alert and open to change.

By understanding and harnessing the power of this transformative celestial event, we can navigate the tumultuous tides with wisdom and grace, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and healing.

How New Moon In Cancer Affect Zodiac Sign


Your focus will revolve around home, real estate, family, and parents. You may question where you want to live. You might deal with matters related to your parents’ health. If issues regarding your career and job came up during the previous full moon, you may consider moving houses.


Communication-related matters are gaining importance. You might start a new course or embark on short trips. There could be developments regarding your siblings or cousins. If you’re involved in commerce, work at a university, or have foreign-related matters, you might encounter some problems.


This is a period where you might feel the need to secure your financial status. Balancing your income and expenses, reviewing your investments, or creating a new source of income could be on your mind. You might receive financial support from an unexpected source.


The new moon is happening in your sign. A new phase is starting in your life! You may experience positive developments within your circle of friends and make future plans. If you have something to say, share it. You may need to resolve matters related to relationships or partnerships.


With the new moon occurring in your 12th house, you might be emotionally sensitive. Your need for personal space may increase. Taking a break could be beneficial. An issue that was previously hidden from you may come to light. You need to get your daily routines and work-related matters in order. Your intuition might intensify, pay attention to your dreams.


With the new moon, you may experience changes in your circle of friends and social environment. You could meet new people or support a friend. Venus will be in your 12th house; you might reminisce about past loves or step into a secret love story. During this period, international matters may come into focus.


With the new moon occurring in your career and social status area, you may start questioning matters related to your career or your stance in public. Changes in your job, such as promotions, might occur. You might experience similar changes within your home and family. You are one of the most affected by this new moon.


The new moon in your 9th house might bring travel, international matters, or new education to the agenda. You may review your relationships with distant relatives. It’s a good time to start a new course or to travel.


The new moon in your 8th house might bring issues related to inheritance, alimony, credit, compensation, or debts and shared money to the agenda. If you’ve been waiting for a long-anticipated payment, you might receive it. The 8th house may bring up matters related to surgery. Some Sagittarians may experience psychological awareness and relief. If you’re thinking about starting therapy, now is the time.


The new moon in your relationship area will bring the need to make decisions about marriage, partnerships, and relationships. Are you in a secure relationship? There might be a new decision about marriage or a new partnership regarding home matters. Be cautious with business partnerships. Wait for a new partnership.


The new moon is occurring in your work and health area. There might be sensitivities related to your stomach and chest. You could start anew with people you work with. A new job or project might be on the agenda. Don’t overlook the need to make changes in your daily routines.


The new moon occurring in your area of love, flirting, and children could bring a new love or something new related to your child into your life. You may decide to have a child. You could succeed in a hobby or a project where you show your creativity.


