The Pleiades star cluster has been an object of fascination and wonder for thousands of years. You may know her as the Seven Sisters. No wonder, in many cultures, the Pleiades have been associated with mystical and spiritual beliefs. Befittingly is also seen as a group of powerful and magical beings.
Myth Behind Pleiades
In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were the seven daughters of the sea-nymph Pleione and Atlas -a Titan who was punished by Zeus to hold up the sky on his shoulders for eternity. Their names were Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. Their name, Pleione means “Ladies of Plenty” from the Greek word pleiôn “plenty.”
According to the myth, they were pursued by Orion, the giant hunter, who was in love with them. To protect the sisters probably from getting raped, Zeus transformed them into stars and placed them in the night sky.

Another tale suggests that the Pleiades were the companions of Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, who transformed them into stars to protect them from the advances of Orion, a giant hunter.
Whatever the myth is, the story of the Pleiades constellation is strong a metaphor for the power of sisterhood and the strength that comes from sticking together. Because of its feminine sisterhood energy, the 7 sisters constellation has been associated with fertility and abundance and is often seen as a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
What Is So Special About The Pleiades?
The Seven Sisters, are beautifully located in the constellation Taurus and they are special for many reasons:
The Pleiades are one of the most easily visible star clusters in the night sky. They can be seen with the naked eye from almost anywhere on Earth and have been observed and recorded by many different cultures throughout history.

The Pleiades are a relatively young cluster, estimated to be only around 100 million years old and contain over a thousand stars. They are also made up of hot, bright, and massive stars that emit beautiful blue-white light.
Mythology and Symbolism
The Pleiades have been associated with mythology and symbolism in many different cultures, including Greek, Japanese, and Native American. They are often seen as a symbol of fertility, and abundance. They are often associated with the planting and harvesting of crops, and their appearance in the sky is seen as a sign of prosperity and good fortune.
Daughters of Atlas are a symbol of sisterhood and feminine power. In Hinduism, the Pleiades are associated with the birth of the warrior goddess Durga. Finally, in some Native American cultures, they are seen as the spirits of ancestors who have passed on and are guiding the living through their journey.

In Christianity, this constellation does not hold any significant religious or spiritual meaning. However in Islam, these stars are known as Al-Thurayya and are mentioned in the Quran. They are often associated with guidance and protection, and are believed to have been a source of inspiration for Arabic poets throughout history. The Pleiades are also significant in Islamic astronomy, as they mark the beginning of the Arabic lunar calendar. In traditional Islamic culture, the sighting of the Pleiades after sunset is used to determine the start of the Islamic month of Ramadan.
In astrology, the Pleiades are considered a significant star cluster and are said to have a powerful influence on human destiny. They are associated with qualities such as intuition, creativity, and psychic ability, and are often used in horoscopes and astrological charts.
Astrologically, the arrival of the Pleiades in the night sky is often considered a sign of spring and has been used to mark the beginning of agricultural seasons.

In witchcraft and Wicca, the seven Pleiades are the source of divine inspiration and guidance. Many witches believe that the stars can bring them closer to the spirit world and help them tap into their own intuition and psychic abilities. Some also believe that the stars can be used for divination and prophecy, and they can help witches connect with their ancestors and spirit guides.
The Pleiades have been seen as a source of divine inspiration and mystical experience. Some spiritual traditions believe that the stars can bring people closer to the spirit world and help them tap into their own intuition and psychic abilities.

The Pleiades are also associated with the element of air. They are used in spells and rituals that involve communication, travel, and intellectual pursuits. The Pleiades is a symbol of clarity, focus, and creativity, and are often used to help witches tap into their mental powers and abilities.
A Shared Legacy Through Stars
One of the most fascinating aspects of the Pleiades is the remarkable consistency with which they are described across cultures—not just as a group of young women, but specifically as seven in number. This is curious, given that the average observer today can typically discern only six stars with the naked eye. Yet, from the Indigenous peoples of the Americas to the Aboriginal Australians, from ancient Greek mythology to African folklore, the number seven persists. Could this shared perception hint at an ancient origin?

Some researchers speculate that around 100,000 years ago, the stars of the Pleiades may have appeared more distinctly separated, allowing early humans to easily count seven stars. If this is true, the stories of the “Seven Sisters” might have originated in Africa, before the great human migrations, and been carried across the world as our ancestors as a tale ventured into new lands. While this idea remains speculative, it offers a captivating possibility: that the Pleiades are not just a celestial wonder, but also a cultural bridge connecting us to the earliest days of humanity. When we gaze at this cluster today, we might be sharing a moment of wonder with those who looked up at the same stars tens of thousands of years ago
- “Pleiades.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
- “Pleiades.” Theoi Greek Mythology.
- “Glossary Term: Pleiades.” IAU Office of Astronomy for Education.
- Museum of Science. “The Pleiades: Humanity’s Oldest Story?” Museum of Science, 2023.