Today, we shall delve into the world of mythology and explore the fascinating story of the goddess Isis. She is one of the most well-known and revered goddesses in ancient Egyptian mythology, and her story is a tale of love, loss, and magic.
Facts About The Mother of All Gods
Goddess Isis is one of the most important figures in ancient Egyptian mythology, She is the goddess of fertility, motherhood, healing, and wisdom. She was born to the god of earth and the goddess of the sky, and was the wife of Osiris, the god of the underworld.
She is depictes as a woman with cow horns and a solar disk on her head. Sometimes as a throne on which the pharaoh would sit. She was also the protector of the dead. Maybe that’s why she is often depicted as a winged goddess or as a woman with a throne on her head. Well, her name means “throne” in Egyptian. A perfect symbol of her power and authority.
Egyptian Goddess of Magic
Isis was the Egyptian Goddess of Magic. She was a powerful magician and protector. Because she has the ability to bring the dead back to life. She was popular throughout Egypt. Then she spread throughout the Mediterranean world, and syncretize with other goddesses such as Demeter and Aphrodite. Today, she remains an important figure in modern Pagan and Wiccan practices, where she is revered for her healing and nurturing qualities.
According to legend, Isis was born to the god of the earth and the goddess of the sky. She was married to her brother, Osiris, who was the god of the afterlife and the ruler of Egypt. Together, they ruled over the land of Egypt and were beloved by their people. However, their happiness was short-lived. Osiris’s brother, Set, was jealous of their power and plotted against them.
Ancient Egyptian Magic for Modern Witches
Goddess Isis is a powerful figure in witchcraft and can be called upon for a variety of magical practices. One way to incorporate her energy into your craft is by creating an altar dedicated to her. Use colors associated with Isis, such as gold, white, and blue, and include symbols that represent her, such as the ankh, the cow horns, and the solar disk. Light a candle or incense in her honor and offer her offerings such as milk, honey, and fruit. You can also meditate on her image and recite invocations to connect with her divine energy. Isis is particularly useful in healing rituals, fertility spells, and divination practices. Her energy can also be invoked for protection and guidance during difficult times. Remember to always approach her with respect and gratitude, and to honor her role as a powerful and nurturing goddess.
Love Story of Goddess Isis
Well, no. But she is one of the protagonists of a sad love story. One day, Set tricked Osiris into getting into a coffin and sealed it shut, throwing it into the Nile river. Isis was devastated by the loss of her husband and went on a quest to find his body. With the help of her magical powers and her faithful companions, the scorpions, Isis was able to locate the coffin and retrieve Osiris’s body.
Isis then used her magic to bring Osiris back to life, and the two were reunited once again. However, their happiness was short-lived, as Set once again plotted against them. He managed to kill Osiris once again, this time scattering his body parts across Egypt.
Undeterred, Isis set out to find all of Osiris’s body parts and managed to reassemble him. She then used her magic to bring him back to life, and the two were reunited once again. Isis then became pregnant with Osiris’s child, Horus, who would later become the god of the sky and protector of Egypt.
What Is Goddess Isis Powers?
Goddess Isis is not your average deity – she’s a powerhouse of divine abilities! From her mastery of magic and healing to her command over the elements and the very forces of nature, Isis is a true force to be reckoned with. Need a boost in courage? Call on Isis. Looking for guidance in matters of love? Isis has got your back. Whether you’re seeking protection, prosperity, or just some seriously badass feminine energy, the powers of Goddess Isis are here to help. So go ahead and channel your inner goddess – with Isis on your side, anything is possible!
What Is The Goddess Isis Symbol?
When it comes to symbols, the goddess Isis has got it all! From the ankh, which represents eternal life, to the sistrum, a musical instrument that wards off evil spirits, Isis is associated with a wide range of powerful and intriguing symbols. But perhaps her most iconic emblem is the throne, which represents her status as queen of the gods and goddesses. With her regal demeanor and impressive array of magical powers, it’s no wonder that Isis has been a symbol of strength and femininity for thousands of years. So whether you’re looking to tap into your inner goddess or just appreciate some seriously cool ancient symbolism, the throne of Isis is definitely worth a closer look.
Her strength, courage, and compassion are still celebrated to this day, and she remains one of the most revered and beloved goddesses in ancient mythology. So let us all take a moment to honor the great goddess Isis, and remember the lessons she taught us about love, sacrifice, and the power of magic.
[…] goddess Isis also presents a queer narrative. In a story where her husband, Osiris, is dismembered, she uses her […]
[…] greatest enemy of the hawk god Horus’s father, Osiris, is Set, who is also his brother. In Egyptian mythology, Set is equated with the devil; he embodies […]