The Venus Retrograde Survival Guide: 7 Days, 7 Ways

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As Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, begins its retrograde journey, it’s time to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our senses. This celestial event offers a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of ourselves and our relationships. Here’s a seven-day guide to help you navigate this period with grace and ease.

A Time for Inner Rebirth and New Beginnings

Between July 23 and September 5, 2023, Venus, which represents relationships, love, money, and self-worth, will be in retrograde. Venus retrogrades are very special times. You can think of it as an inner death and rebirth. On August 13, the Sun-Venus conjunction occurs. In the conjunction, Venus leaves the sky and will reappear as the morning star before sunrise seven days later, on August 21. During this process, we can practice to shed the past and prepare the soul and heart for new experiences. You can prepare the materials for this work in advance and try these suggestions for 7 days starting from August 13.

Day 1: Savor the Sensual

Venus invites us to fully engage with our senses. So, let’s start by dedicating this day to taste, smell, touch, hearing, and sight. Listen to your favorite music with your eyes closed, savoring each note. When eating, chew your bites slowly, relishing the flavors. Venus has a sweet tooth, so why not try making rose jam or desserts with edible flowers? Or perhaps a refreshing Reyhan sherbet? And remember, Venus’ element is copper. Drinking water or soft drinks from a copper bowl can be a delightful nod to this celestial body.

Day 2: Aromatherapy and Self-Care

On the second day, indulge in the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Rose, violet, and ylang-ylang are all Venusian favorites. But don’t limit yourself – explore new scents and flavors that you haven’t tried before. This day is all about pampering yourself and exploring the world of aromas.

Day 3: Boost Your Confidence with Music

Music has the power to uplift our spirits and boost our self-confidence. Dedicate this day to listening to songs that make you feel empowered. You can also chant the Venus mantra for seven days, starting today. This practice can help you align with the energy of Venus and enhance your self-esteem.

Day 4: Create a Venus Altar

Today, let’s honor Venus (Aphrodite) by creating a dedicated altar in our bedroom. Decorate it with flower petals, and red and green candles placed in a copper bowl. This sacred space will serve as a constant reminder of the beauty and love that Venus represents.

Day 5: Embrace the Power of Lapis Lazuli

The Goddess Inanna, closely associated with Venus, carried lapis lazuli when she journeyed to the underworld. On this day, wear a piece of lapis jewelry or carry a lapis stone with you. This powerful gemstone can help you connect with your inner goddess and the energy of Venus.

Day 6: Symbolic Artistry

Venus is symbolized by the pigeon, dove, lion, and cat. Today, let your creativity flow by drawing these symbols or finding trinkets that represent them. Remember, they should be in pairs, symbolizing the duality and balance that Venus stands for.

Day 7: The Venus Star

On the final day, draw or find an image of the eight-pointed Venus star. This symbol represents balance, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things. Hang it in your home or carry it with you as a reminder of the lessons learned during this Venus retrograde.

Remember, Venus retrograde is not a time to fear but a period to embrace. It’s a cosmic invitation to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our inner selves. So, let’s welcome this celestial event with open hearts and minds, using these seven days as a guide to navigate this transformative period.

