10 Types of Witches

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There are many different types of witches, each with their own unique powers, traditions, and rituals. Some witches practice alone, while others thrive in a coven. Whether you follow Wicca or a different form of witchery, understanding the various paths can help you find where you belong. Let’s explore all kinds of witches and their unique characteristics. Which type of witch are you?

1. Crystal Witch

A Crystal Witch harnesses the power of crystals for magical work. Crystals amplify and direct energy, making them a fundamental tool in many types of witchcraft. Crystal witches may use clear quartz for healing, amethyst for intuition, or obsidian for protection. Their altar is often adorned with carefully selected stones, and they incorporate crystals into spells, rituals, and meditation.

A crystal witch focuses her practice on the use of crystals. They use the power of crystals to increase and concentrate energy for a wide variety of applications including healing, protection, and purification.

  • Characteristics: Deeply connected to crystals, enjoys energy work, believes in the vibrational power of stones.
  • Activities: Charging crystals under the full moon, creating crystal grids, using gemstones in spellwork.
  • Symbols: Crystals, gemstones, geodes, wands made from crystal points.

2. Divination Witch

A Divination specializes in uncovering hidden truths and foreseeing the future through mystical tools. They may practice tarot reading, astrology, palmistry, scrying, or runes. This type of witchcraft is deeply tied to intuition and the unseen forces of the universe.

  • Characteristics: Strong intuition, enjoys symbols and omens, drawn to prophecy.
  • Activities: Daily tarot pulls, reading natal charts, casting rune stones.
  • Symbols: The tarot deck, crystal ball, pendulum, astrological symbols.

3. Eclectic Witch

Eclectic witches refuses to be confined by a single tradition. They mix and match practices from different paths, choosing what resonates with them. They might combine herbal magic, lunar rituals, and sigil work, creating a completely personalized practice.

  • Characteristics: Independent thinker, open-minded, adaptable.
  • Activities: Creating a personalized Book of Shadows, studying various traditions, blending multiple magical techniques.
  • Symbols: A variety of symbols from different paths, personalized spell books, candles of many colors.

4. Elemental Witch

Elemental witches works with the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. These witches call upon the elements during rituals and spells and may work with elemental spirits like sylphs (air), gnomes (earth), salamanders (fire), and undines (water).

  • Symbols: Pentacle, elemental symbols (triangles for fire and water, spirals for air, a tree for earth).
  • Characteristics: Strongly connected to nature, enjoys working with physical elements in magic.
  • Activities: Candle spells (fire), ocean rituals (water), incense burning (air), grounding exercises (earth).

5. Green Witch

A Green Witch deeply connects with nature, herbalism, and plant-based magic. Their practice revolves around healing, foraging, and working with the spirits of plants and trees. Green witches often keep an herb garden and use essential oils in their work.

A green witch builds her life around things like gardening and herbalism. They may specialize in essential oils, herbal crafts, or nature studies. They can also incorporate other skills, such as healing and divination, into their practice. Green witches are also alike hedge witches.

  • Characteristics: Nature lover, skilled in herbal magic, often a gardener.
  • Activities: Making herbal tinctures, tea magic, working with plants and flowers.
  • Symbols: Leaves, trees, the color green, dried herbs.

6. Hereditary Witch

This type of witchcraft is thought to be passed down from parents to children through generations. Hereditary witches are more common in Europe and Africa. You may be a hereditary witch if you have other relatives in your family who have a strong connection with nature.

This type of witchcraft is common in European and African traditions, where magic is deeply interwoven with ancestry.

  • Characteristics: Family lineage of magic, follows traditional family rituals.
  • Activities: Honoring ancestors, performing old family spells, learning from elders.
  • Symbols: Family heirlooms, ancestral altars, family crests.

7. Kitchen Witch

Kitchen witches use many of the practices that green witches do in their rituals. As you can imagine, a kitchen witch performs her magic works and practices in her home. Kitchen witches incorporate their magic into their meals. A kitchen witch can easily share her magic with anyone. There are many modern tools that kitchen witches can use these days.

They stir intentions into food, bless ingredients, and use herbs and spices for healing. Kitchen witches turn mealtime into a sacred act.

  • Characteristics: Loves cooking, finds magic in daily life, nurturing.
  • Activities: Creating magical meals, making herbal remedies, home protection spells.
  • Symbols: Wooden spoons, cauldrons, cooking herbs.

8. Sea Witch

They are the people who live near the seashore, full of surprises. Sea witches are adept at exploiting materials around the sea. You can see them working on their powers in a mysterious bay late at night. They are always in tune with the lunar cycles. They may have common features with elemental witches who use water in their work. Their work is similar, with these witches practicing near rivers and lakes.

Originally, sailors portrayed sea witches as magical beings who could control the weather at sea. Legend has it that sailors took great pains not to disturb them. Today, sea witches are witches who take their power from the sea and use sea-sourced materials in their rituals.

  • Characteristics: Feels drawn to water, intuitive, connected to lunar energy.
  • Activities: Collecting seashells for spells, working with lunar tides, performing ocean rituals.
  • Symbols: Seashells, fish, anchors, moon phases.

9. The Loneliest of The Witch Types: Solitary Witch

Witches who work alone qualify as solitary witches. They can keep their magic a secret. They believe they can generate more power when alone and do better by relying on their ability to channel energy. A solitary witch can also be any of the types of witches we described above. So a kitchen witch can also be a solitary witch. A Wiccan can be a solitary witch.

For solitary witches, books are of great importance. One of the excellent books on witchcraft was Scott Cunningham’s Wicca: A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner. It is still one of the books that should find a place in every witch’s library. This book contains essential practices for many Wiccans around the world.

Whether you seek wisdom from books, rare manuscripts, poems, or learn from natural stones and the voices of birds. If you are going to discover magic, listen to the whispers of the wind, and the sound of water because ancient secrets are always preserved in nature. You can become adept at noticing them when you’re alone.

  • Characteristics: Independent, prefers privacy, self-taught.
  • Activities: Studying witchcraft independently, keeping a personal grimoire, practicing shadow work.
  • Symbols: The moon, books, black candles, solitary animal guides like owls or foxes.

10. Tech Witch

A tech witch makes the most of all available technologies. Tech witches find ways to cast spells from their phones, tablets, or laptops. They can also work with others using tools like Skype and Whatsapp. They can keep their spells or Shadow Books in digital form. And they can benefit from the contribution of the development of the Internet to modern pagan movements.

Tech witches believe that using devices like a microwave instead of a cauldron can produce excellent results.

  • Characteristics: Tech-savvy, creative, enjoys experimenting with digital tools.
  • Activities: Creating digital sigils, using phone apps for astrology, working with energy through devices.
  • Symbols: Circuit boards, digital sigils, binary codes, AI-generated spells.

How to Find Out What Type of Witch You Are

If you’re drawn to witchcraft but don’t know which path to follow, start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • What elements of nature do you feel most connected to?
  • Do you prefer working with herbs, crystals, technology, or divination tools?
  • Are you more solitary, or do you seek community in a coven?
  • Do you follow a specific tradition, such as Wicca or paganism?

Exploring different types of witchery will help you discover your strengths and interests. Whether you’re a Green Witch who finds solace in nature, a Crystal Witch who taps into gemstone energy, or a Tech Witch who embraces modern magic, every type of witch has a place in the mystical world. Experiment, read, and trust your intuition—your magical path will reveal itself in time!


  1. University of Michigan – Folklore Archive: Historical and Modern Witchcraft Practices
  2. British Museum: Ancient Witchcraft and Its Symbols
  3. National Geographic: The History of Witches and Their Practices
  4. The College of Psychic Studies: Exploring Divination and Witchcraft
  5. Smithsonian Magazine: A History of Witchcraft Across Cultures
  6. The American Folklore Society: Folklore and Magic in Witchcraft

