10 Types of Witches

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There are many witch types. They can practice in different ways. Let’s look at their perspectives! We explain shortly 10 types of witches. Which type of witch you are? 

1. Crystal Witch


A crystal witch focuses her practice on the use of crystals. They use the power of crystals to increase and concentrate energy for a wide variety of applications including healing, protection, and purification.

2. Divination Witch

Divination witches are people who specialize in divination using tools such as the tarot, astrology, or pendulum. Someone who takes the path of witchcraft may later feel drawn to the subject of prophecy. In this case, one can be a divination witch.

3. Eclectic Witch

Eclectic witches outnumber other types of witches. They refuse to be tied to a single tradition and embrace whatever appeals to them and they set their own path. They can combine the characteristics of many types of witchcraft.

4. Elemental Witch

Elemental witches like to work with the five esoteric elements: fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. They can also incorporate mythological creatures into their practice. They use materials that symbolize the elements in their daily rituals.

5. Green Witch


A green witch builds her life around things like gardening and herbalism. They may specialize in essential oils, herbal crafts, or nature studies. They can also incorporate other skills, such as healing and divination, into their practice. Green witches are also alike hedge witches.

6. Hereditary Witch

This type of witchcraft is thought to be passed down from parents to children through generations. Hereditary witches are more common in Europe and Africa. You may be a hereditary witch if you have other relatives in your family who have a strong connection with nature.

7. Kitchen Witch

Kitchen witches use many of the practices that green witches do in their rituals. As you can imagine, a kitchen witch performs her magic works and practices in her home. Kitchen witches incorporate their magic into their meals. A kitchen witch can easily share her magic with anyone. There are many modern tools that kitchen witches can use these days.

8. Sea Witch

They are the people who live near the seashore, full of surprises. Sea witches are adept at exploiting materials around the sea. You can see them working on their powers in a mysterious bay late at night. They are always in tune with the lunar cycles. They may have common features with elemental witches who use water in their work. Their work is similar, with these witches practicing near rivers and lakes.

Originally, sailors portrayed sea witches as magical beings who could control the weather at sea. Legend has it that sailors took great pains not to disturb them. Today, sea witches are witches who take their power from the sea and use sea-sourced materials in their rituals.

9. The Loneliest of The Witch Types: Solitary Witch

Witches who work alone qualify as solitary witches. They can keep their magic a secret. They believe they can generate more power when alone and do better by relying on their ability to channel energy. A solitary witch can also be any of the types of witches we described above. So a kitchen witch can also be a solitary witch. A Wiccan can be a solitary witch.

For solitary witches, books are of great importance. One of the excellent books on witchcraft was Scott Cunningham’s Wicca: A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner. It is still one of the books that should find a place in every witch’s library. This book contains essential practices for many Wiccans around the world.

Whether you seek wisdom from books, rare manuscripts, poems, or learn from natural stones and the voices of birds. If you are going to discover magic, listen to the whispers of the wind, and the sound of water because ancient secrets are always preserved in nature. You can become adept at noticing them when you’re alone.

10. Tech Witch


A tech witch makes the most of all available technologies. Tech witches find ways to cast spells from their phones, tablets, or laptops. They can also work with others using tools like Skype and Whatsapp. They can keep their spells or Shadow Books in digital form. And they can benefit from the contribution of the development of the Internet to modern pagan movements.

Tech witches believe that using devices like a microwave instead of a cauldron can produce excellent results.



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