Dance of Stars and Spirits: Pleiades and Halloween Connection

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Bathed in the soft glow of autumn, the night sky unfolds a cosmic ballet, with stars twinkling like ethereal dancers in the eternal darkness. One mysterious and tightly bound cluster emerges as the main performer during this season of spooks and spirits: Pleiades, or as many fondly know them, the Seven Sisters. Each year, as Halloween’s shadows grow longer, these celestial sisters make their dramatic entrance, rising in the east before 7 PM, weaving a connection between the cosmos and our earthly festivities.

Pleiades Constellation: Annual Autumn Ritual

Constellation of the seven sisters have graced our night sky for millennia. It serves as both a celestial clock and a source of inspiration for countless cultures. Their annual autumn reappearance marks a time of transition and celebration. Their tightly packed brilliance offering a beacon for those who revel in the mysteries of the night.

Mythology and The Pleiades


The Pleiades hold a sacred space in Greek mythology. According to legend, these seven sisters were the daughters of Atlas and Pleione. They transformed into stars to escape the relentless pursuit of Orion. Their presence in the night sky serves as a reminder of their divine journey. Check out our blog to learn more about the Seven Sister’s story.

Halloween and The Pleiades: An Astronomical Alignment

Historically, the Pleiades played a crucial role in determining the timing of Samhain. Around the time of this festival, the Pleiades would reach their highest point in the sky at midnight. It was a phenomenon that did not go unnoticed by the ancient Celts. This celestial event served as a marker for the thinning of the veil between worlds. Those stars were aligning perfectly with the themes of Samhain.


The Pagan Black Sabbath and All Hallow’s Eve

During the medieval era, the pagan Black Sabbath and All Hallow’s Eve too found their celestial timing under The Pleiades. These rituals, steeped in mystery and ancient practices, would commence as The Pleiades reached their highest point in the sky at midnight. The peek of the Halloween night! This alignment served as a cosmic signal. It marks a time when the veil between worlds grew thin. Hence, the mystical energies of the universe flowed freely.


The Evolution into Halloween

Over time, All Hallow’s Eve transformed, evolving into the Halloween we celebrate today. But the connection between The Pleiades and this spooky season remains. Like a mystical thread woven through the fabric of time. As we carve pumpkins, don costumes, and embrace the eerie delights of Halloween, the Seven Sisters continue their celestial dance. They are still reminding us of the ancient rituals and cosmic alignments that have shaped this time of year.

Can You See The Seven Stars on Halloween Night?


The answer is a resounding yes. As the sun sets and the night unfolds, look to the east, and you will find the Seven Sisters rising. Still ready to share their celestial stories and ancient magic. The Pleiades, visible to the naked eye, invite you to partake in their age-old dance. They can help connecting you to the mysteries of the universe and the enchantments of Halloween.

Embracing the Celestial and the Spooky

This Halloween, as you don your costumes and partake in the festivities, take a moment to glance upward. Let the Pleiades be your guide through the night. A celestial reminder of the ages-old traditions and mysterious rituals that have shaped this spooky season. Whether you’re telling ghost stories, carving pumpkins, or simply enjoying the crisp autumn air, the Seven Sisters will be there. Still dancing in the night sky, bridging the gap between the cosmic and the creepy.




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