Finding Your Coven: 12 Action Steps to Attract Your Tribe

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In the mystical journey of life, finding your coven – your tribe of kindred spirits – is akin to a magical quest. Discovering your tribe, a group of like-minded individuals who share your passions and perspectives, can be a transformative experience. This journey is not just about finding others, but also about understanding and improving yourself. Here are 12 enchanting steps to help you attract your spiritual tribe, woven with a little witchcraft and a lot of heart.

1. Casting Intentions with Clarity

Knowing exactly who you want to spend time with is crucial. Reflect on why you are drawn to certain types of people. For instance, you might be looking for a group that shares your interests in business, self-development, and spirituality. The key is to be specific about who you want in your circle and why. This clarity will guide your search and lead you to your desired tribe.


Begin by casting a spell of clarity. Light a candle, perhaps under a new moon, and meditate on who you wish to welcome into your life. Consider their essence, their spirit. Who are they? Why do they call to your soul? For example, you may yearn for fellow witches passionate about herbal magic or tarot. Define your desires with crystal-clear intentions. As above, so below, as within, so without.

The other method is lighting incense, let the smoke swirl around you, and meditate deeply on the qualities of those you wish to attract. Be it fellow potion brewers or crystal lovers, define your intentions as clearly as a crystal ball’s vision. Remember, in setting intentions, the universe begins to weave its magic.

2. Discover What Lights You Up


Your passions are a beacon for finding your coven. Identify what excites you – be it sport, art, travel, or literature. Engage in activities that mirror these passions. If the stars guide you, follow their path. Joining a ceramics class, a book club, or a fitness group can lead you to people who share your passions. Aligning your pursuits with your passions creates an aura that naturally attracts like-minded souls. Like attracts like, in both the mundane and the magical.

3. The Mirror of Self-Love

The journey begins within. Before seeking your tribe, gaze into the mirror of self-love. Embrace your unique magic. Self-acceptance is a magnet for attracting your tribe. Personal struggles with self-worth can hinder the process of finding your coven. Engaging in deep self-development work helps you to feel comfortable in your own skin, and this confidence attracts people who resonate with your true self.


If you’ve been feeling like a lost spirit, engage in self-care rituals. Bathe in moon water, meditate with crystals, or simply take a walk in nature to reconnect with your essence. Engage in rituals that uplift your spirit. Anoint yourself with oils, chant affirmations, or simply meditate under the stars. When you love and accept yourself, you shine brightly, attracting those who are drawn to your light.

4. Banishing the Shadows of Judgment


Open-mindedness is essential when seeking your tribe. Avoid judging others based on their appearance or lifestyle choices. The one with the aura of mystery might have insights that enlighten your own path. Look beyond the mundane appearances and see the soul. In doing so, you open the door to unexpected and profound connections. So you can resonate with someone’s core values and personality. Your kindred spirit might be someone you wouldn’t have considered at first glance.

5. Be Brave

Finding your coven requires courage. You need to actively put your desires into the world, be specific about who you want to attract, and engage in activities aligned with your passions. It requires venturing into the unknown. Share your desires with the universe through modern-day spells – perhaps a blog post infused with your intent, or a social media incantation. Being proactive is key to attracting the right people into your life.


Summon your inner courage. Craft a bravery spell with lion’s heart and eagle’s sight. You must venture out of your comfort circle to find your tribe. Share your intentions with the universe. When you actively seek your tribe with clear intentions, the universe conspires to help you.

6. Weaving Connections

Once you find people who inspire you, take bold steps to connect with them. Express your admiration and respect, and consider inviting them to join or form a group. Cast a spell of connection. Share your admiration with words as sweet as honey and as genuine as crystal. This could be a private Whatsapp group, or regular meet-ups. Consistent interaction builds deeper relationships and enriches your experience with your tribe.

7. Celebrate the Happy Events Together

Gather your tribe. Celebrating high days together deepens your bond and aligns your energies. Whether it’s a birthday or a New Year feast, these gatherings are powerful moments to share your magic and traditions.

8. Practice Rituals Together


Create rituals that you can perform together. This could be walking in the nature or a self-healing circle. Shared rituals create a powerful energetic bond and deepen your connection to each other and the natural world.

9. Share Knowledge and Wisdom

Exchange knowledge about your respective paths. Perhaps one of you is skilled in herbology, while another is a social media expert. Sharing your wisdom not only strengthens your coven but also broadens your individual horizons.

10. Respect Each Other’s Paths


Understand and respect that each member of your coven may follow a slightly different path. Celebrate these differences as they add richness and diversity to your collective experience.

11. Create a Sacred Space

If possible, find a physical space where your coven can meet. This could be a cafe, a secluded spot in the woods, or a room in someone’s home. A certain space helps to anchor your group’s energies.

12. Give Back Together

As a coven, find ways to give back to the community or the Earth. Working together for a greater cause strengthens your bonds and honors the spirit of giving.

Finding your tribe is a journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection. By setting clear intentions, pursuing your passions, embracing self-love, being open-minded, taking brave steps, and actively connecting, you can attract a group of individuals who resonate with your spirit.

In this dance of life and magic, remember that the power to attract your tribe lies within you. Let your inner light shine, and watch as it guides you to those who will walk the mystical path by your side. Blessed be on your journey! 🌙✨



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